"Token's from admirers" dumbledore said handing me an every flavoured bean

"What happened to the stone?" I asked

"It was destroyed" dumbledore said calmly

"But" I was cut of my him explaining how mr. Flamel has enough elixir to live lond enough and what happened up in there

How harry's mother's sacrifice saved him that day and up there

Why voldemort wanted me on his side because of my power

After all my answers harry and I left for the end year feast

We walked and saw anna, hermione and ron

"Alright there ron?" Harry asked

"Alright, you?" Ron asked me

"Alright, hermione?" I asked hermione

"Alright ,harry?" She asked harry

"Alright ,anna?" Harry asked anna

"Alright" she said cheerfully

I just love my sister

We walked into the great hall and saw it decorated all green

"Urggh" I said

We sat on our seat and waited there

Clink! Clink! Clink!

Came a voice

We looked at dumbledore

"Another year, gone. And now , as I understand it , the house cup needs awarding , and the points stand thus:

In fourth place , Gryffindor with 312 points

In third place , hufflepuff with 352 points

In second place , ravenclaw with 426 points

And in the first place , slytherin with 582 points " dumbledore announced and the slytherins cheered while the gryffindor's gave fake clapping

"Yes yes well done slytherin , however , recent events must be taken into count , and I a few last minute points to award . To Miss. Hermione Granger , for cool use of intellect , whole others in great peril , 50 points " dumbledore said as everyone congratulated 'mione

"Second , to Miss. Anna Scamander , for helping her friends in great danger and using her mind at the right time, I award 50 points " dumbledore said as I huged anna

Surprisingly malfoy also clapped for her

"Third to Mr. Ronald Weasley , for the best played game of chess that hogwarts has seen in many years , I award 50 points" again everyone cheered

"Fourth to Miss. Elsa Scamander , for using her powers in need and staying loyal to her friends and family , I award 60 points " this time everyone cheered for me

"And fifth to Mr. Harry potter , for the nerve and outstanding courage , I award another 60 points " everyone started clapping except for the slytherins of course

We are tied to slytherin

"And lastly to Mr. Neville Longbottom , it takes great bravery , to stand up to your enemy's , but a great deal more, to stand up to your friends . I award 10 points , to neville longbottom" dumbledore announced and everyone cheered again but this time for neville
Neville blushed and looked down as everyone congratulated him

"Assuming my calculation's are correct . I believe a change of decoration in order " dumbledore said and the green house flags turned into gryffindor red flags

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