Mafia {dreamnoblade}

Start from the beginning

"Not much of a talker eh?" she remarked, "No worries, the boss can make anyone talk. I'll let him know that you're awake"

With that, the woman walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her. Techno struggled to get out of the restraints a bit more but ultimately gave up. After waiting for what felt like hours, the door opened once again to what Techno determined to be the mafia boss. Just like the sketches, the man that stood before him had short dirty blond hair and a white mask covering his face.

"Techno was it?" He asked. Techno remained silent and simply continued to stare at him. "I'll take that as a yes. Well, I'm Dream. The Mafia Boss as you know."

Techno's eyes widened as he realized that Dream knew more about him than he intentionally thought.

"It's pretty impressive how much you have uncovered about my organization. I'm quite surprised to say the least. No one has ever managed to figure us out so easily. My inside sources have said that you've spent countless days and nights on my case."

At this point, Techno had looked away and refused to make eye contact. Dream walked up to him and grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at him. "You gonna talk or do I have to make you"

When Techno still refused to talk, Dream simply sighed. He flipped out a pocket knife, surpising Techno. Dream then proceeded to cut the ropes from around his wrists. Techno rubbed his wrists which were red from how tightly he was bound.

"Sorry about how tight they were," Dream said, backing up and putting the knife away, "Safety precautions. You are one of the best fighters on your team after all."

"Thanks" Techno murmured, so quiet that Dream wasn't sure he heard it at first. Dream simply smiled as the lady from earlier returned to the room. She brought in a chair for Dream before exiting and returning with two bowls of soup.

"That's Puffy by the way, she does more of the in-base duties" Dream said, noticing Techno's curiosity. Pushing one of the bowls of soup in front of Techno, he settled down to eat the other.

"Eat" Dream said as he started to eat his. Techno continued to stare at the bowl before reluctantly pushing it away. "You're not hungry? I promise it's not poisoned in any way"

Techno shrugged in response but his stomach decided that it was the perfect time to growl. Dream smirked and pushed the bowl back to Techno. He slowly picked up the spoon, shaking slightly, and hesitantly brought the spoon up to his lips. Dream continued to stare at him as he took the first sip.

"Umm... Dream?" Techno's words brought him out of his trance. He realized that he had unintentionally reached his hand out and grasped some of Techno's pink hair. Dream stared into the red ruby eyes of Techno before letting go and backing up.

"I-I'm sorry" Dream said as he took his hands back. A light blush could be seen settling on Techno's cheeks causing Dream to smile. Standing up, he walked back around the table and whipped out his knife again. Cutting the rest of the restraints off, Dream pulled Techno into a hug, catching him off guard.

Dream leaned into his ear and whispered, "I'm trusting you Techno. Don't go running back to your cop friends or I'll be very upset"

Dream's breath in Techno's ears sent shivers down his spine. Shuddering, he simply nodded as Dream backed up.

"Thanks Darling. I have a room all set up for you to live in"

"But- I- What about my dog Floof?"

"Don't worry, I'll have someone on my team look after him. Tomorrow, you'll go back to work as if this interaction never happened to avoid suspicion. Then return here for the night. This is your home now."

Techno simply nodded as Dream draped his arms over him and led him out of the room. They eventually made their way to a room where Techno was to stay.

"Hey... Sorry if I seemed a bit rude. I suppose the stress has really started to get to me." Dream said with a chuckle as he leaned in the doorway. Techno on the other hand was looking around and taking in the room.

"It's alright" Techno responded as he ran his hand along the blanket. Dream just realized how monotone and deep his voice was. Granted, it wasn't as deep as Corpse but it was definitely monotoned.

Techno crawled onto the bed and turned away from Dream. Dream smiled as he looked at the pinkette laying on the bed.

"Get some rest Techy" Dream said as he exited the room and shut the door. He definitely liked the pink detective and cop much more than he thought he would.

Techno decided to stay and do as he says. Just for a while longer so he got a better understanding of what he was going against. He also wanted to figure out what this new feeling was, the one he only seemed to feel around Dream. 


Decided to make this into a book titled "Twisted Reality"

You'll find it on my profile page :)

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