He shakes his head and slowly straightens up. Louis' eyes snap to him immediately and he brushes a hand over Harry's stomach, under the T-shirt. Now that he feels normal, he's starting to feel other things, like how nice it is when Louis touches him casually. "Alright, baby?"

Christ. Harry needs to... put some distance before he actually gets hard again. He doesn't want Louis to think – to know how desperate he is. What if it turns him off? He clears his throat. "Yeah mate, I just thought I'd send my mum a life signal."

He immediately wants to kick himself for bringing up his mum, or the fact he still lives with her. Louis doesn't seem bothered, probably used up all his panic after Harry blew him in the car. He just kisses the corner of Harry's mouth and says, "I'm here if you need anything."

Harry nods and climbs out of Louis' lap. He doesn't flee to the bedroom, more like a graceful gallop. He hears Louis turning up the volume, but he closes the door behind him anyway. He takes a deep, calming breath, and then the smell hits him like a punch to the gut. Sweat and sex and – he did this, he had sex. He had sex with Louis. He had a lot of sex with Louis.

He's more giddy than nervous now, practically skipping to open the window and let some fresh air in. He picks up his clothes and pulls out his phone. There are a few missed calls from Nick, and some texts from various people, but Harry closes all the notifications without looking and calls the only person he wants to talk to.

"You piece of shit, did you sleep until now?" Niall asks after just one ring. It sounds like his mouth is full and it's so familiar.

Harry grins to himself. "Nope, just lost track of my phone."

"Whoa, your voice is weird. Is Nick holding a pillow over your face or something? Did you call me instead of the police again?"

Harry tugs on his lip and starts pacing. "Not at Nick's."

"Oh, you went back home? Couldn't pull? I told you I'd be a better wingman, have you seen my girlfriend – "

"I'm at Louis'," he cuts him off, can't keep it inside anymore. His breath stutters. Saying it to someone outside of the HarryandLouis bubble of the past twenty-four hours is exciting.

Niall curses on the other end. "How did that happen? Please don't tell me you drunkenly stalked him and followed him home until he confessed his love."

Harry frowns. "Excuse you, he brought me to his home. We met at the club accidentally, it was weird."

"Well, did he apologise for being a twat?" Of course Niall only cares about that. Niall's the best best mate ever.

"He did more than that." Ridiculously, he covers his mouth and whispers the rest. "Niall, we did it."

Niall gasps. Or he just chews loudly, but gasping is more dramatic. "Did what?"

"The do."

Now he really gasps. "Seriously?"

"Yeah, he seriously fucked me," he says excitedly.

Niall makes an undignified noise. "Ugh, you let him put it in you?"

"Well, it was technically already in me when I blew him."

"Yeah, but not up your bum," Niall counters quickly. "Did it hurt?"

"Sort of, but by then – " He cuts himself off. There's nothing he won't tell Niall, but right now he wants to keep just some of it to himself and Louis. "It just felt unbelievable."

Niall hums sceptically. "I can't even imagine having a dick inside me."

"Well, you should!" Oh god, he sounds like he's preaching. On second thought, he does wish it on Niall. If anyone deserves to feel as good as Harry felt, it's Niall. "I mean, since you intend to put your dick in your girlfriend. You should always think about what it's like for your partner." He loves not being a virgin. Niall has no choice but to believe him. It's like street cred. Sheet cred. "Louis could give you tips," he adds, just to be a shit.

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