Recovery of the Prince

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Beomgyu had originally passed out on the way back to the castle, being carried by Yoongi on his daemon. The next time he woke up, it was the next morning, and he was in the medical ward. A tall man dressed in royal clothes was there to greet him. "You don't remember me, but I remember you very well. Are you aware that you are the lost prince?"

Beomgyu nodded tentatively. It made sense, but it was all still brand new to him.

"I am Kim Taehyung, assistant to the King," the man explained. "I am in charge of your recovery here, and I will tell you everything you want to know. And I will only tell you what you want to know, at your speed, so you may recover safely. But before I do, there is one person who wants to see you."

Beomgyu immediately thought of Taehyun, but it was Kai, in his normal waddling penguin form! "You're okay!" Kai yelled as he jumped onto the bed, rolling into Beomgyu's arms.

"I thought you turned into a bear!"

"Well, I can! But I much prefer to be penguin sized. So I know the spell now. If I need to protect you again, I'll turn back into a bear."

After he had fully woken up, Beomgyu was taken on a tour of the castle, then shown to his quarters, a different room than what had once been reserved for him. It was much smaller and simple, perfect for his recovery. And over the next few days, Beomgyu met with the grandest mental health doctors that the Naeil Kingdom had to offer. They formed a plan for his treatment, gradually introducing him to castle life. His mornings were filled with talking to therapists and occupational therapy, and his afternoons were spent learning about his identity and the history of the kingdom.

Beomgyu had learned from Taehyung that the similarly-named Taehyun was still alive, currently working in the castle. But Taehyung assured Beomgyu that he would not have to see the other man unless he wanted to. And oh, how Beomgyu wanted to. He was so glad that Taehyun was safe and alive. But he was also confused. Why wasn't Taehyun talking to him? Was it because he was a prince now? He didn't understand why there was this distance between them.

A couple of weeks passed, and Beomgyu continued his therapy, but sometimes during the afternoons he would look out over the castle gardens from a window. It was all the way down there, in a sunhat and work clothes, that Kang Taehyun was pruning bushes as part of his work. And Beomgyu would sit and watch for hours, just happy that his friend was alive. Not friend. The man he was in love with. But even Beomgyu understood that he was a prince now. He couldn't be with Taehyun like least, he didn't think he could. And as Beomgyu went through his therapy, learning to love himself and his identity as a man, he realized that there was only one person who had all of the answers he was looking for.

So far, Taehyung had kept Beomgyu from meeting his fathers. He had seen them briefly on the battlefield, near the tower that had been destroyed as they brought down Heulin. But he hadn't actually met them yet. Taehyung had told Beomgyu that, whenever he was ready, he would take him to meet them. "There is no rush. They have waited eighteen years. They can wait as long as you need."

But then, Beomgyu said he was ready. And so, Taehyung took Beomgyu across the castle, to the main throne room. They walked through on the purple carpet, with the two thrones side by side, empty for now, and Beomgyu marveled at the high ceilings and banners hung on the walls. Then, Taehyung led Beomgyu to a side room, a waiting room for the King and his Consort.

"Good luck," he said as he opened the door for Beomgyu, then let him in.

Beomgyu held his breath. He suddenly wished that Kai was here for this. But he wasn't; it was just this tall, striking man with a crown on, and another man with black hair whom Beomgyu recognized. They stood by the window, and they both turned as Beomgyu opened the door. "Hello?"

Yoongi smiled. "Hello, Beomgyu."

Beomgyu kept his distance. "I...I didn't know if I would be ready for this today. But I have to try. Are you my real father?"

It was then that King Namjoon turned, finally setting his eyes on his son. "We both are."

And Beomgyu found that he was fully prepared, as tears streamed down his face. He wasn't afraid anymore. He knew the truth about his heritage and his life, and this was just another piece of that. He stepped forward and hugged Yoongi first, then Namjoon, then all three found their way to each other in a great big gross snotty group hug.

"We have a lot to talk about," the King said. "But we have all the time in the world." And so, over the next few weeks, the three met every morning as part of Beomgyu's therapy. And Beomgyu slowly got adjusted to having two parents who cared for him, in addition to an entire castle's worth of servants, maids, assistants, and the like. It finally felt right for the first time in his life, like he was supposed to have been here all along. And Kai was still around, and Beomgyu and Kai slowly picked up magic lessons, and they finally started to learn some of the spells Beomgyu's fake mother had forbidden.

It was a perfect happily ever after. Except for one thing.

A few weeks after Beomgyu met his parents, they met with him in the same room as always. "We've been thinking about something," the King said. "We want for you to get married and become the King of the Naeil Kingdom."

Beomgyu's mouth went wide. "Really? This soon? I don't feel prepared."

"We would be behind you every step of the way. But also..." And the King was quiet at this. "I cannot excuse my behavior for the past eighteen years. I have let my people down, taking my frustration and mourning out on them. I should step down from the throne, and you should lead the Naeil Kingdom. Whenever you want to take the throne, son, it's yours."

Yoongi placed Beomgyu's crown on the table in front of them; he had been holding onto it since that fateful day. "It is up to you, son."

Beomgyu took the crown. He already had his answer. "I want to take the crown. But I understand that if I am crowned King, I must at least be engaged to be married. If I am to be King, there is only one person I want as my Consort."



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