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Ava's POV

I was having my beauty sleep in my room until an annoying knock on the door woke me up officially when some morning breathe caused me choked and coughed on my bed.

I walked down and opened the door , found a Daemos with dirty blonde hair and black horn , a thing special this fella was he had heterochromia. He had a lime green eye and a grey eye.

That lime green.....

"Lady Ava?" "Yes? What's for the knocking in such early time?" I asked him but I suddenly noticed he had a pink blush crawled upon his face.

"O-Oh , L-Lady B-Bish requested y-you." "Why don't she let her spirit to come? But you. It's the first time I seen you anyway." I questioned him. "Oh I'm just a small servant who barely walk in the hallways of the palace. Lady Bish eventually found me and requested me this mission." I sighed and shook for that unloyal servant of Bish.

"You may leave. I'll be there...Eh...."

"Mateo at your service , Lady Ava."

Bish's POV

"How am I should stop that brat to her way to the throne? If she had the power and the trust of Rhal's father?" I questioned my spirit who's cleaning himself up with his tongue.

"Better answer me before I cut that tongue of yours." "Woah chill , my lady. Like I said , she's just a human that's disguised to a Daemos , she'll remember everything when the spell of Rhys's wore off." Zex said while stopped cleaning. I looked at myself in the mirror and some terrible memories flooded my mind.

"One human....I was thoughtless by a human. What a diagrace. Do you know what I overheard my brother in law said to her grandmother in law , Zex?" He got speechless and looked at me.

"Ava's in danger and she had to get married soon before the real trouble comes. Time was running out. Asch will take throne and all my plans shall be renewed." Zex growled deeply while I stared at my reflection by the mirror. Ever since I was married into the royal family , I had been planning to climb onto the throne.

But if Asch and Ava married, which means she'll be queen , and I throw all my plans into the lava pit.

"But don't worry....everything will be perfectly on control...just for the time to be right...." I said while interrupted by the brat's knocking.

"Just keep an eye on her , " I said to Zex and then welcome Ava in my chamber.

Rhys's POV

While arranging the books once again , I found Ava eventually walked into the library with a quite nervous face. She looked around and as soon she found me , she rushed to me and dragged me to a corner.

"Ava , are you-" "Shh....Please not too loud." She covered my mouth and looked around, making sure there's no one around. "Rhys....." She looked away from me and said something extreme serious.

"....I think someone's following me...."

"What- What do you mean?" "Like... someone.... They kept on following by the following day. I'm just...scared...." Ava said while gripping my shirt while looking at her foot.

"I'll tell the others about this. You'll be fine , Ava." "Thanks , Rhys." She smiled and off to her own business. I quickly put the book away and rushed to inform Prince Asch and the others.

With Emo involved , since she's quite a master in sneak attacks, she might be useful.

After telling them whatever happened , Emo surprisingly already had a plan in mind..... "Maybe she had a secret admirer , that's the big deal. Mateo had went to her this early morning...." "Mateo?" "A random MALE servant around the palace. He barely showed up in the castle hallways." Emo said while she increased the volume of her sound when the word 'male' spilled out from her mouth.

"But trust me , I haven't see him for quite some time. Some Daemos said he had quit and became a farmer instead." Emo said while scratched her black hair.

"Then what's the point for telling me this? It's useless for protecting Ava." Prince Asch huffed and looked away with his arm in the throne , resting his head on it.

"Well , I overheard that Lady Bish said to keep an eye on your Ava , and since you had no interest on it , bye bye!" I immediately blocked her way while looking at her red eyes.

"Tell us whatever you know from Lady Bish. Prince Asch doesn't , but I do." She raised her eyebrow and giggled with her hand on my shoulder. "Rhys , what I mean was , I'm off for the mission , I will bring the man who kept our Lady Ava worrying , making sure he will face his faith...." She said and left me shocking.

"A very independent woman. Why didn't father even noticed her skills?" "Yes." Pierce agreed.

Emo's POV

I hid myself behind a pillar while following Lady Ava secretly. Okay , I'm not stalking her , I'm helping her. If it isn't the Daemos were too stupid , I wouldn't handle this myself.

I groaned as soon as a cold breeze shivered my spines. I looked and spotted a figure hiding himself beneath the shadow , looking at Lady Ava. I clearly saw his sharp teeth under the shadow and quickly assume it's the spirit of Bish.

Ugh , stalkers shall be ended up dead. Especially stalking some going married woman. I thought while preparing my two golden hands to attack him.

I rushed myself to the other side , quickly and quietly. I stood behind the figure and prepare to be his worst nightmares. As I tapped on his shoulder , I pinned him by the ground with some extra rope tied around his wrist. I brought him to the candle light and shocked by whatever I saw.

"Why did you follow Lady Ava?" Prince Asch questioned Mateo. He looked away , not answering a single question of his. I looked at him with my arms crossed. "Hey , can't you hear the prince asking you a question?" He nodded and answered a 'yes'.

"Then answer him before Leif get to hunt you down the rest of your life." "Well , Lady Ava was a rather interesting woman. Who wouldn't have a major crush on her? Ain't I right , Prince Asch?" He smirked slyly and earned a aggressive grunt from him.

"Ugh , guards take him out! I can't stand off him!" Asch demanded and Mateo was dragged out Asch's throne room. "What a dishonor! Does he know who's he talking to?!" "Calm down , Prince Asch. I believe Mateo had learnt his lesson from this trip. He'll face more than this if his eyes laid on Ava once more." I promised then dismissed myself from Rhys and the others.....

Zex's POV

Thank god I wasn't a fool to follow human Ava like what the servant Mateo did. I thought while watching the guards dragging him out of the room.

Suddenly , he began to attack the guards with his arm quick and quiet , without catching any Daemos' attention. I was stoned by what I have saw. Servant Mateo them cleaned the dirt on his fabric and walked away like a normal Daemos.

I jumped down from the pillar , watching him towards the kitchen , was still shocked by a small useless peasant's work.

I had to inform Lady Bish about this.
I thought and ran to her chamber.

Thanks for 2K people , I couldn't believe hoow much this book was loved bt you folks.

Hearts for ya!

Stay safe folks!


Aphmau My Inner Demons Season 2 FanmadeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora