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Nákaa's POV

After I respawn back on my City of Freedom , I jumped into Coloratura Ocean and swam towards the main city in my blaster form. Fast that I hit my bolts and my poor shiny skin on a freaking pine tree.

"Just got spawn?" I looked up and saw Hiro reaching out his hand , pulling me up."Yeah , those boys couldn't stop me from sleeping." I said while shaked away the water from my fabric like puppy.

"You're serious?" I looked at Hiro who's wiping the droplets on his face and giggled at his lame face. "Countess Nákaa , Sir Hiroshin!" We turned and found the previous guard rushed towards us.

"What's he doing here? I thought those guards had decompose his damn body." "Nákaa,We can't dispose bodies on Ream."whispered Hiro. I scratched my head for awkwardness.

"Sir.....A beacon was found by the abandoned castle of Villains League." I looked at Hiro who's looking at me shockingly as well.

There's another one left behind?

Ava's POV

Since the day when the monster attacked me , Asch had decided to let Pierce train me more , just in case more come after me.

Right now , I was sparring with Pierce while Mammoo was playing with Johnny on the other side since I wasn't very ensure that Mammoo will be fine alone from Zex or Bish.

"Are you alright?" I looked at Pierce who reached out his arm , pulling me up from the ground. But I took this opportunity to kick him onto the ground , pointing the dagger to his throat while sitting on him.

"Looks like I have this round , Pierce." I got up and pulled him up from the ground. He wiped away the dirt on his arm and fabric , then pet me on the head.

"You did an excellent job today." "Thanks Pierce! I still gotta keep on the work just in case there's more coming." I did a fighting posture , making Pierce giggling. We soon walked back to the castle as soon as I met the Emo back then.

"Lady Ava!*inhale**exhale* T-The King...." "Woah Woah calm down. Just take your breath and tell me everything then." I quickly asked her to take her breath since it's quite a distance from the throne room , if she's from the throne room.

"The King*inhale*wants to see you *exhale*Probably about the wedding ceremony with Prince Asch." I immediately make my face into a lame face. I still haven't got pass through that level , thanks to the furious spread news from Lady Grandma.

"What's with the face?" I looked at Pierce who's questioning me. "Well.... the fact that I was just acting with Asch. I never wanted to engage with him." I said with my arms crossed. "Can't believe the king was actually making it serious..."

"Relax , it's not like the king was going to kill you.""It will be soon when I told him that I'm not dating with Asch at all." I answered Emo while walking back to the throne room with Pierce accompany.

"Asch had been good around with you. He treats you better than anyone woman around him." I looked at Pierce who's surprisingly telling me about the goodies about Asch and more than that , the fact he talk more than 10 words.

"O..kay?" I awkwardly smiled to him until we ya'll heard a huge explosion , but louder than the one I last heard with the Mamphants.

We rushed to the scene and found a burnt down field with some villagers of Daemos standing next to the edge the burnt field. "Hey! What are you think you're doing there?!" They looked at me yelling and the next second , they're gone nowhere.

"Probably they used the ender pearl to escape." Emo said confidently. "Yes." "I'm going to peel off their skin when I found them one day!" I yelled fully anger.

Second person's POV

"Ava , calm down , this was a common thing on Daemos." Pierce said while holding our crazy wolf like Ava who has this lust of killing those 2 men by the waist.

"How is this coming Pierce!? Killing nature is illegal in my list!" Ava yelled. "People burnt down field to grow plants in a better condition of soil , Ava. Didn't Rhys- Oh yeah , he taught you mostly potion and spells." Emo said while calming down Ava by putting her hand on Ava's forehead.

"Are you sure we can't get this in handy?" Meanwhile , Countess Nákaa was right examining  and scanning a beacon that was surprisingly found in a dump of a abandoned castle with Sir Hiroshin. "It seems impossible to fix. Not to mention , Cervidae's not around in Ream these days." Hiro said while touching the beacon's glass container , feeling the crack of the container.

Ava kneeled down onto the ground , feeling the soil of the fully ready to use field. "Indeed, this is a quite good soil for crops." "We haven't seen those for quite some time since the magic crisis. Everything must come in hand , which makes the men feel that it's quite a lazy job. Since then , burning field was just for random , since the ground will soon be green back." Emo explained with elaboration. "You do know a lot about Daemos." Pierce complimented her. "T-Thanks! I just did some random research about this."

"Don't ya have the ability to repair broken glass , Hiro? You can fix this , couldn't you?""This is not any glass , it's obsidian glass , I haven't reach to that level either." Hiro said while putting his palm on his forehead , hoping for a sudden spark thought. "Couldn't you just try it anyway?" urged Nákaa. "Okay , okay , I will do my best."

Right when Ava's feeling the soft soil with her grip , and when Hiro put his hand on the crack , hoping it to recover , Ava's arm suddenly glow in several crescent shaped tattoo , and the field glowed with her at the meantime.

Emo could see it as clear as possible. She can see sprout grew out from the soil and turned into fully grown crops. "What is this...""I have no idea." answered Pierce who's shock about all of this as well.

As Hiro let go from the crack , catching his energy back , Ava stopped glowing with the field followed. Ava opened her eyes and gone shock when she all of this surprise gift. "What. Just. Happen?" "I believe we should ask you that. What magic did you use , Lady Ava?"

Ava looked at Emo while getting the dirt away from her grip and shrugged her shoulder , also being confused for whatever happen."I don't know , but I believe we should head back to the throne room fast before Asch start yelling at me for the whole day." Ava said while continuing their journey back to Asch's castle.

"What the hell , dude? Why in the world you stop?" "Please it's not easy enough to fix a beacon , not to mention a ruin?" Hiro answered her while stood up , cleaning the dirt on his red sleeved armour.

"We should bring it back to My City of Freedom. There's maybe someone who's expert in these could give it a fix." "First of , the city of yours called City of Patrol and Chaos. I don't know who the hell just talked to me , so yeah. Second , what if this might give a shot to get Petalyze wake up? I'm definitely taking this back to my city and you're coming with me." Hiro mentioned it clear enough and flew away with the beacon , on his fluffy white marshmallow cloud.

Countess Nákaa could only glitched in her tone and jumped into the Coloratura river which leads to Hiroshin's City of Soldiers , chasing after him.

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