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Rhys's POV

"Let's go home , Oct."

I can't believe what my ears had just heard....

Ava's leaving..... With the Reams...

"Ava! Why you chose them instead of us?! After whatever we did?! You actually trusted the nonsense that she made up?!" "Shut up Asch."


Did she tell Asch to....

"They needed me. To complete the puzzle. There's no place for me on Daemos but there's a place on Ream for me. I trusted you all once , I won't make the same mistake once."

"Ugh , your soul was more worthy than everything I had!" Asch yelled full of ange- Wait.....Did he....just.....

Ava stopped her walking and looked at Asch full of confusion. "What do you mean by.....My soul was more important than anything you owe?...."

I quickly massaged the bridge of my nose , just realized whatever Asch just said.

"You can just go. Since there's a place on Ream waiting for you!" Asch yelled and looked away from Ava. Ava looked at the ground , gazing at the foliage , thinking for a moment.

"Ava , Irene , we should go. Ream was waiting for our return." Cervidae said while trying to drag Ava away. But , Ava insist , she stood on the ground without moving a muscle and looked at Asch.

"No. I want to listen what he knows." "There's nothing surprise to understand. Daemos was a dimension where humans were the main source of their magic. Violence and bloodshed were a common thing on this world." Cervidae said while pulling Ava closer by her arm on Ava's shoulder.

Ava looked down and thought for a moment. "Ready to go home , Ava?" "I...." She looked down , hesitated if her action will affected the future.

"Ava , it's fine wherever you go." I stepped out from the gang and said to Ava whatever I have no idea about.

"If you wanna return , we'll welcome you on Daemos with open arms. No weapon." I smiled at her, letting her making her choice easier. She widened her eyes and a tear glided down from her eye.

"Ugh , enough of this sadly moment. Ava , let's go back to Ream." Cervidae groaned as she grabbed Ava by the wrist , walking the cliff where the portal was located. Ava stood there in complete silent.

"No , Cervidae. I'm staying." The Daemos were all shocked with her sudden decision. Didn't I actually convince her to join the Reams? Which was sure gonna anger Asch? Why did she....

"I'm staying cause I found that Daemos had needed a complete change. In my vision , I saw they had actually lived with me without magic. This has proved they can change. Ream had you four , it could be amazing like a dream , even without me." She answered with a smile and walked backwards to us.

She surprisingly first ran into my chest and gave me a warm hug. "Thanks , Rhys... Your...'Past vision' talk had changed my mind." I widened my eyes.

She still remember that?

That's good anyway.... She didn't get all sussy for the talks from Cervidae's mouth.

Cause we wouldn't know what will happen if she remembered....

"Actually....This had gone too far though , Cervi. Ava had found her place on Daemos. We could even visit her anytime. There's no such worry." The Medusa woman said and the male Lupine nodded his head for agreement.

"Come on , Villains League. We should head back." The male Lupine said and jumped down from the cliff. Leader Oct looked at Ava with her fist curled up into a tight fist but then relaxed by the hold of the glasses man. "Come on , Oct. Ream still needed our chaotic. " Oct took a breath and followed the other Villains League members. 

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