first day

552 11 8

Meredith pov

First day of work I'm excited to start fresh and see Cristina,I get out of bed brush my teeth and shower made my kids breakfast.

Meredith: kids breakfast I tell loud and clear
Ellis: morning mummy
Meredith morning baby were is your sister and brother
Ellis:bubby is changing and zozo is packing baggie.

Ellis is behind with her speaking.

Meredith: okay come eat your breakfast
Zola: hello everybody
Meredith: hello come eat your breakfast bailey hurry
I hear no response
Meredith: Derek bailey sherperd
Bailey:well that's one way to start a morning
Meredith:come eat your breakfast 3 minutes until we leave zola Ellis get your backpacks

Zola and Ellis: got em
Bailey: it it
Meredith: okay Zola hold your sister and open the car hear are the keys.
Zola left with both her siblings and got in the car.
Meredith got her bag and locked the house

I dropped Zola and bailey off at the same school and Ellis I went to work

Cristina POV
I was walking to the nurses station when I bumped into Hayes .
Cristina: Hayes
Cormac: Yang your happy
Cristina:well my best friend is coming to work here and I forgot to mention she's single
Cormac:yep you've told me that before
Cristina: did I
Before Cormac could answer
Cristina: Meredith I yell
Meredith: Cristina
Cristina: it's been so long real Meredith is better than face time Meredith
They both laugh
Meredith pov
It was good to see Cristina
Cristina: I want you to meet Dr Cormac Hayes head of Peds
Meredith: Dr Hayes nice to meet you
I was looking at this handsome Irish man with deep sea blue eyes and a thick voice.
Cormac grey I've heard lot about I was starting to think you weren't real
I blushed
Cristina: and get this Hayes is single and you are also single
I glanced at Cristina
Meredith:um Yang can u please lead me to my office it was nice to meet you Hayes
Cormac: grey look forward to working with you
Cristina:yes you guys will be working together a lot
Me and Cristina left and she lead me to my office just when I was about to say something Cristina and I both got paged and went to see what was wrong.(the doctor explained what's wrong and all that stuff)
Dr Herman: he's gonna need a open heart surgery and a gallbladder removal
Cristina:ok prep or 3 please we have no time to waste Meredith your scrubs are in one of your self.
Meredith I'll see you in 10

While the surgery
Cristina:so what do you think about the hospital and doctors
Meredith:you mean doctor Hayes
Cristina:yes his very handsome for you
Meredith:I don't know maybe but I'm not ready to put myself out um what's it with you lately
Cristina: well I've been seeing someone
Meredith: hope it's not Shane
Cristina: god no he's a lawyer he's name is Xavier and we've been on 10 dates and I really think he's the one
Meredith: someone is in love
Cristina: okay okay what's happening in grey slaon memorial hospital
Meredith: well Lexi and Mark got married and have a kid Amelia gave birth a year ago Owen has two kids with teddy bailey had a miscarriage
Cristina:oh no
Meredith:I know, Jackson and April have a kid and are divorced Richard and Catherine got married and divorced Alex left
Cristina:what do you mean left
Meredith: funny story Izzie is alive and well and him and her have twins
Cristina:holy shirt that is a lot to take in.
The next few hours were quite
Meredith:well that was a good job for my first day
Cristina:yes it was
Cormac pov
It was 5:30pm I was doing some charts and grey was there too
Cormac:well you look tired for the first day
Meredith:well doing an 8 hour surgery and I have to go pick up my kids and come back her I am exhausted
I chuckled a bit
Cormac:you have kids
She nodded
Meet:2 girls and one boy you
Cormac:2 boys
Meredith:must be difficult
Cormac:you have no idea
Meredith:well see you when I get back

Meredith pov
I picked up the kids and dropped them off at day care and did some charts no surgeries for the next two days so I'm off I went up two day care it was 8:30pm
Meredith: come on guys time to go home
Ellis: finally
Meredith: okay zola get Ellis hand and hold mine  bailey hold my other hand we walked out of day care on my way out I bumped into Cormac
Cormac: grey
Meredith: Hayes you on your way out
Cormac:yes u
Meredith:yes these are my kids Zola bailey and Ellis guys say hello to Dr Hayes
Zola bailey and Ellis: hello
Cormac:hi guys have a good night
Meredith:you two come on guys say buy to Hayes
All three of them: byee
We were driving home when I got a call from Maggie
Meredith: hello your on speaker
Maggie: hi guys
Ellis bailey and zola: hi aunt Maggie
Amelia:hi everyone
Hello all four of us said
Maggie; we have news for you
Meredith:well spit it out
Amelia:we are moving to Switzerland
All the kids: yay!!!!!
Meredith:well that's good news
Maggie:we already spoke too Cristina about it and she hired us
Amelia; but we are not going to be head of neuro and cardio but it's fine
Meredith:well if you are happy with that I'm happy
Amelia:one more thing we bought a house and it's right across the street from you
I was shocked and relieved at the same time
Meredith:that is great news now you can help with the kids. Okay guys I will talk to you soon.
We said goodbye and hinged up we got home and I made the kids dinner since it was Friday the kids slept at 10 I washed the dishes cleaned the house and went to bed

Meredith and Cormac : SwitzerlandDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora