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"Honestly Jin? Not even once?"

After what he learned, The Pro-hero in Hisashi wanted to know more about it, and asked Jin (since he was a villain) if he knew someone that did somethings like this.

"I alredy told you! No!"
"No love, i didn't."

Hizashi was about to say something else, before he aknowloged the way Jin had called him, blushing mad.

"What- what did you call me?"


Hizashi waite for jin to say something else, like he always do, but insted he just looked at him, waiting for him to talk.

"Your not going to say something else?"

"I though i did, but......i don't....I...."

He looked like he was having a mental debate, like there is something inside his head he was talking to.

"Whan i'm with you.....with any of you....I don't......"


"When i'm with you guys, it dosn't feel like i'm batteling with something inside my head, it's just......like i have more then one opinion, and i say them both at the same time."

Split personality. He understood, it was a side-effect of his quirk, Jin has split personality, and since no one was with him at the time, it got worst. he wasn't batteling with something inside his head, he was batteling with another part of himself.

"You don't have to worry about it anymore, Jin. we are here to help you, we promis."

Shota would be jelous of how good he sleept, but maybe it was just becouse he has Jin pressed to his body, or becouse he knew the little listeners were there, and they were fine, or just becouse he had been a lot happied since Danki creater that group.

Beside that, he was happy.

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