Chapter 30

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and another chapter! 

was hoping for writing a double update and make this chapter shorter but nah, i'll cram it to one chap

onwards to the story!!


Vivien was tempted to tell his older brothers about the meeting he had with Iwaizumi Hajime earlier when they had their dinner that very same day. He had opted from speaking or contributing to the noise his older brothers were making as they told their mother about their day, mind reeling back to the words that Iwaizumi told him. Vivien knew, knew that some of those words he spoke were lies, especially the one about the two of them meeting online after playing a game and starting to chat. 

The youngest in the family knows his older brothers well, living with them since he was born and growing up around them. His oldest brother, Lionel, may play online games, ones that called for strategy and battles, but he only does it when he was extremely bored. Only plays online games when he has nothing fun to read or something to do as he prefers to plan things or do the papers and training that their father had them take as they were still heirs to the family fortune and business. Aside from Lionel, his second older brother does not play online games at all. He has the same high intelligence as Lionel but he was absolutely clueless about what goes on or how an online game operates unless instructed by Lionel. 

So, thinking back to what Iwaizumi spoke of their first online meeting, Vivien knows that that  was a lie. The urge to tell his older brothers, and his mother as she is still with them and eating dinner too, surges up again but this time, the reminder of his oldest brother to keep his problems known to the three of them rang in his mind.

Vivien then thought, 'Could Iwaizumi-san be related to my brother's problems? Or, at least, one of his problems that he failed to tell them?'

Gazing at his animatedly explaining oldest sibling, Vivien quells the desire to interrogate his older brother about Iwaizumi Hajime and instead, opted to heed what Iwaizumi had asked of him: To keep quiet of their meeting.

He's decided, he'll allow Iwaizumi to extract information and even provide him help in order to meet his older brothers. 


"Ah! I just remembered! Gremlin 1, my darling Lion, hubby - ahem- your dad told me to tell that you're coming with me to Tokyo on Monday!"

Lionel groaned, "Why, mama? Papa didn't mail me anything about going with you an I have school."

Eloise shifted in her seat, grinning like a devious cat as she happily told her eldest, "You have to be present for a Gala hosted by a close business partner in our Tokyo branch. Gremlin 2 has to stay here and watch over our angel Vivi. Just to show your support and our sincerity on the partnership for the Gala on Tuesday evening, then you'll be back here in Miyagi on Wednesday, straight to school!" 

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