Chapter 29

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And I'm back with another updateeee



Onwards to the story!




Hope-filled eyes gazed at the teen in front of him. He remembered the bits of information that Reiji had left behind, if he was being an idiot or purposefully dropping hints despite his lame attempt of interrogating him, and the eyes and hair matched the information he had and the appearance of the teen. He was filled to the brim with hope, hope that this was Reiji and that he was finally meeting him. 

However, it appeared as if Fate was screwing with him. 

The voice that came out of the teen's lips did not match Reiji's voice inside his head. Iwaizumi would know. There is no way he would not be able to recognize the annoying, yet fruity and oh-so-wonderfully-occupying his mind, Reiji had. The tone was also different. No matter what, Reiji always had this emotional and dramatic flare to his tone, not like this curt and dull one that the teen had.

"Do you know someone named Reiji?"

Iwaizumi inquired. The face of the teen in front of him scrunched, as if thinking deeply, before he shook his head and Iwaizumi's body and hope deflated.

"I'm sorry, I do not know anyone of that name."

'I originally lived in a very far away place from here. But I moved just to be closer to you, dear.'

But then, he remembered yet another important information that Reiji had given him. He indirectly told him that he came from somewhere far from where Iwaizumi is, far from Miyagi. Now, this could mean he could be from any prefecture or town in Japan, just somewhere far from Miyagi, but it also has the chance of Reiji being from outside of Japan. In simple words, he could be a foreigner, not Japanese. Or, at least, someone with Japanese blood but raised outside of Japan. Those were possibilities as well.

"Ah, it's okay. My name's Iwaizumi Hajime, second year in Aoba Johsai." 

Iwaizumi introduced himself, waving a hand at the teen while discreetly taking note of his appearance. His appearance hinted some foreign blood, something that ticked a box in the lost of possibilities in his head. 

The teen fully faced him, "LaFromboise, Vivien Ange. I transferred here a a few months ago as a third year. It's nice meeting you, upperclassman (senpai)." *

'Not a Japanese name. What country does he come from? What the heck, what language?'

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