Romeo and Juliet - Knox Overstreet

Start from the beginning

"All right, that's our cue to go," points out Cameron as he stands up.

"Well, I'm staying," declares Meeks. "We're not done yet."

"Wow Meeks, you're actually gonna skip class?" smirks Neil.

"Shut up, Neil."

"Feel free to go, Cam," says Charlie as he rolls his eyes.

With a groan, Cameron sits down again.

"All right guys, no big deal, it's only chemistry," he mutters.

"So. Here's the plan," announces Neil, and everyone moves closer to him as if he was about to reveal a secret. "We'll all meet at half past eleven in the dorm hallway. We'll take the east stairway down to the main hall, where I'll give some food to Billy so he doesn't bark. Then we cross the building silently - " he makes sure to accentuate the word - "and straight to the library. Charlie opens the doors - "

"I'll bring some oil, the hinges creak," interrupts Charlie.

"How does he even have oil," mutters Meeks as he rolls his eyes.

"Great!" claps Neil. "Knoxious, you're gonna go see Y/N after chemistry and tell her to meet you at the library at midnight. "

"What? No, no way I'm doing this, guys," stammers Knox.

"You don't have the choice."

"But - "

"Look, it's simple. Either you go to this romantic midnight date," says Pitts, "or I'll go tell Y/N you like her, in the most unromantic way possible."

Everyone stares at him pointedly until he sighs in defeat.

"Fine! But what if - "

"Ah no, please!" cuts off Neil. "No what ifs. Carpe diem, Knox! Just do it and whatever happens happens!"

"So, I just tell her I like her, in the middle of a dark library, in the middle of the night?" he sarcastically asks.

"Exactly, but we'll bring a lantern for some light, AND you'll have to make it romantic in some way."

"WHAT? But how do I make it romantic?"

"Read her a love poem!" suggests Todd. "You know Y/N loves poetry."

"Yeah, read her a love poem! Or even better yet, write one for her!"

"Yeah Knoxious, you go man!"

Soon everyone has grouped around him, clapping his back and encouraging him.

"All right guys, now let's go to chemistry before Cameron makes another remark about it!" sneers Charlie, and the seven of them walk away, surrounding Knox.

*** TIME SKIP to the evening ***

"Meet me at the library at midnight." Knox's words keep echoing inside your head, and each time sounding more mysterious. What surprise does he have in store for you? And why would he want to see you alone, in the middle of the school, at night?

You still have an hour before the meeting, and you can't help fantasizing about what would happen. What if he was about to declare his feelings for you?

But you brush the thought away. No, Knox probably likes someone else - you always see him daydreaming. It's probably going to be some kind of prank orchestrated by Charlie, and honestly you wouldn't mind having a good laugh, even if you're the one being laughed at.

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