“Hey, that’s a good soundtrack!” Camila laughed as she walked back over to the bed with L$D by A$AP Rocky beginning to play out from the speaker's.

I know I dream about her all day

I think about her with her clothes off

I’m ridin’ round with my system pumpin’ LSD

Camila shifted her eyes to Lauren, noticing for the first time that her friend was completely naked.
She was breathtakingly Gorgeous !

Lauren watched on as Camila’s eyes scanned down her body, her tongue subconsciously darting out, wetting her lips.
The plump lips that Lauren was finally about to get to kiss after all this time. This had to be some sort of dream.

“I’m just going to…” Lauren motioned to the strap-on in her hand, turning around to beginning to put it on, allowing Camila some time to finish undressing.
Once she had the toy in place she turned back around to the younger Latina sitting on the bed, her clothes now completely discarded.

Fuck she was amazing, Lauren thought, although she noticed Camila’s hands wrapped around her waist. She looked
so nervous and vulnerable.

“Lo, can you turn off the light?” Camila practically whispered.

Lauren nodded and moved to the other side of the room to flick off the switch, the large dildo swinging between her legs as she walked. She could practically feel Camila’s eyes burning into her.

When she turned back around her assumptions were proven to be right, as she saw the younger girl’s gaze quickly dart away from her.

She wondered if Camila was staring because she liked what she saw, or if she was just curious. She assumed it was sadly the latter maybe.

The room was dark now, but not dark enough that she couldn’t see where she was going. Lauren walked back over to the bed and took a seat.
What now?
She felt like Camila was about to put a stop to this at any moment, she didn’t really want to go through with this did she?
What if she was regretting her decision but was too scared to say anything?

Camila wasn’t always the most outspoken girl, she often relied on Lauren to do the talking for both of them when they were out in public or meeting new people.
It always made Lauren worry about what would happen when she wasn’t around to speak up for her.
Camila was the type of person that could easily be taken advantage of, she was too sweet and trusting.

“Camila?” Lauren said softly.


“If you do, you know…change your mind, tell me and I’ll stop. It doesn’t matter how far we get.”

Camila was silent for a moment “Ok.” She croaked out.

“Come here.” Lauren finally motioned the younger girl towards her and she felt the bed dip as Camila scooted closer.

“Close your eyes.” The older Latina instructed in a whisper. “I’m going to kiss you now….ok?”

Camila nodded silently. The tension in the air between them right now was completely undeniable.
It was a sexual tension on Lauren’s side, but she guessed it was a nervous tension radiating from the other.

With that, Lauren finally bit the bullet and leaned in. Her heart was pounding so loud in her chest she wouldn’t be surprised if Camila could hear it.
She lifted her hand, gently resting it on the other girl’scheek, their lips brushing in a feather light touch.
This was it. Lauren made the final move connecting their lips, sending an electric shock through her entire body.
She brought her other hand up and rested
it gently on Camila’s thigh, cautious that this needed to be taken slow so that she wouldn’t overwhelm her.

Better Than He Can  (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now