Chapter 5 😥😥

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[ Ava's POV ]

I hurried down stairs as quick as I can. There was 100 thoughts going through my head why did my dad not Have any injuries? Why is Niall's blood on his hand? Why Did Niall not hit him back? Was Niall okay?

When I finally got to the dining room the place was a mess plates shattered ,cutlery everywhere and all the pancakes where on the floor. Damn it .my dad is taking me to get more of those I still haven't got my fucking pancakes

Then I seen Niall his hand leaning against the wall breathing heavy then I seen blood dripping off his face onto the floor

"Daddy" I said going over to him he looked up at me his face softening when he saw me i rushed to him when I seen the state of his face

"Oh my god oh my god daddy" I gently barely touching his skin cupping his cheeks his blood going on my hands but I didn't care

"I'm fine baby I'm okay" he said even though I could see he was in pain I took his hand taking him to the kitchen and making him sit in a seat I then went to wet a cloth

"I'm fine princess it's just a scratch nothing I can't deal with you shouldn't be haven't to deal with this stress" he said going to get back up but I came over with the wet cloth standing between his legs so he couldn't move

"I don't know what your feeling but this is definitely more than a scratch also they're is more important things than my stress levels right now" I placed the wet cloth on his cut eyebrow making him hiss in pain and pull back

"Here hold my hand" I said putting my other hand out "I'm good baby I'm fine" he said trying to act tough I just rolled my eyes at him " stop trying to act tough it's okay for it to be sore and for you to cry even , just let me take care of you for once"

He smiled fondly at me taking my smaller hand in his bigger one "thank you princess" he said hissing in pain again but I need to make sure they don't get infected he gently squeezing my hand a few times

"Okay I need to clean your cheek and lip and you can squeeze my hand harder than that I'm not going to break and I'll get pay back anyway when I'm in labour trust me" I said look at him he just smiled at me saying "I'm sure you will baby"

I cleaned his cheek and and lip this time he squeezed my hand tighter not as tight as he wanted to I could tell but I just let him be

"Okay stay here I'll be two minutes" I told him walking away "where are you going baby?"he asked well more like whined god I love it when he gets all clingy it's so fucking cute "I'll be two minutes just need to get something"

when I came back he was just sitting on his phone which I took out his hand "whatcha you do that for?" "because I need you to hold my hand I'm not done" I told him putting my hand out for him I don't care how tough he is this was going to sting like a bitch

" baby I'm fine I don't need to" he said "just shut up and hold my hand" I tell him because I didn't want to do this but it would help in the long run

I then dabbed the alcohol soaked cloth onto his eyebrow to which he squeezed my hand and shouted " fucking hell babe you trying to kill me" he said pulling away from me

"Daddy just sit still I need to do this so it doesn't get infected" I told him as I dabbed it again he winced squeezing my hand

"Maybe I should have hit your dad back this is sorer than him actually fucking hitting me" he said which made the me ask the question I have been wanted to ask this full time

"Why didn't you hit him I know you could have and I know you would have won but he's absolutely fine" I say starting to dap under his lip well looking at him his hand squeezing mine

"I can't hit your dad princess no matter how much of an arsehole he is he's your dad and he's my best friend well...was" he said looking at me I can see sadness in his eyes but I know he won't show it I finish . Then put the cloth down wrapping my arms around him he automatically put his arm round me his other hand going to my bump rubbing it

"Daddy?" I say into his ear he just Hums in response "you know it's okay to cry you always tell me you don't want me to hide my emotions and I don't want you to either just know it doesn't make you any less of a man or my daddy.. I just want you to know that if there is ever anything bothering our you can tell me okay?" I here him at a loss for words then he "yes princess I know and thank you baby it means a lot I was never brought up to show my emotions I've never cried in front of anyone since I was a kid I can't even remember the last time I actually cried"

For some reason that broke my heart "daddy that's not healthy please stop doing that promise me " I say pulling back looking at him "I promise baby girl" he pecks my lips

"Would you be mad if I went with my dad to get more pancakes?" I asked timidly looking down "why would I be mad of course I'm not" he said standing up off the chair taking his shirt off which had blood all over it "just because you aren't really talking and he just bet you up don't get me wrong I'm so mad at him right now but I want pancakes badly" he put his shirt in the washing machine before walking back over to me cupping my cheeks making me look up at him

"Angel I don't want you to be mad at your dad he is only doing it because he loves you I do get where your dad is coming from I just hate that he upsets you but don't be mad at him because of me okay?"

"Yeh daddy a just feel bad you and him where best friends for years then we started dating now all you do is argue and he just bet you up"I almost whisper

"Baby it is not your fault I still love him like a best friend even if doesn't feel the same but it's not your fault I would give up everything for you including him...but..I do need to go apologise to him"

I looked at him like he was crazy because he sounded like it right now why the fuck should he apologise  my dad should apologise "what the fuck do you mean apologise he will apologise not you" I said he just raised his eyebrow at me "do you want your mouth washed out with soap little one  " he said sternly I just shook my head at him

"Words baby"

"No daddy sorry"

"Now let's go I we will all have a talk like adults hmm" he said to me "okay"

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