🥺Chapter 3🥺

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[Avas POV ]

When we got home the rain had stopped it was half past 5 in the morning and I just really wanted my pancakes badly once Niall opened my door I got out wincing when my  feet touched the ground Niall put his hand on my lower back

"You okay?" he asked concern written all over his face "I'm fine daddy just my feet" I say looking up at him "after your punishment we can go for a bath and I'll rub your feet how does that sound"

"Sounds great" I said to him he just looked at me fondly god I love him so much "get your butt inside and I'll get the pancakes" he said patting my butt I just giggled and walked into the house

Everyone was in the living room watching tv no ones usually up at this time I feel guilty but I won't say anything cause they would never admit that it was my fault they where up. my dads where cuddled up on one couch and Liam on the other watching some boring show daddy walked in behind me shutting the front door causing all of them to look up at us

"We brought pancakes let's go I can't wait much longer" I shouted heading to the dining room before anyone could speak " inside voice please" I heard daddy say "sorry da....Niall" fuck I really need to stop doing that

They all came into the dining room my mum came up to me cuddling me the bump kind of in the way but oh well " you doing okay" he asked me rubbing my back I could here the others having they're own conversation about football or something

"I'm good mum sorry about earlier" i say pulling away "it's fine sweetheart don't worry about it, also what's up with your dad he was talking like he was going to kill Niall" he said to me "ignore him I was talking and nearly called Niall daddy and he wasn't happy let's just say that" i say Louis has always took on the mum role he would joke about things like this safe , Harry was the opposite he has always been way over protective

"You really need to be more careful you know he won't hesitate to punch him" he told to me "I know I didn't mean it...I don't get why he can't just be happy for us" I whispered the last bit looking down

He took my hand taking me out the room I heard Niall say " is everything okay?" "Yep everything is fine just need to talk with her for a second" my mum answered I was still looking down not wanting to show my sad eyes

Once in the hall with the dining room door shut he made me look at him " Ava I know you think your dad doesn't want you both together but it's not that he just doesn't want you to get hurt there is an age gap there and your still young and expecting a baby where as when Niall was your age he was out at parties he just doesn't find it very fair" he says looking at me

"B-but I don't like parties or drinking I never did. it makes me feel unsafe I always wanted to settle down young and he knows that it just hurts because even before I was p-pregnant he had an issue with it" I say looking up at him with sad eyes

" I know it's also to do with the type of relationship your in he trusts Niall he does but when it comes to you our daughter he doesn't trust anyone" he says trying to make me understand

" you and him are in the same type of relationship but no one ever complained , him and N-Niall were best friends but I feel like I've ruined that all my dad ever does is shout at him now" I say tears running down my face

"Sweetheart I really think you should talk to him about this I never knew it was effecting you so much and I can guarantee he doesn't either just talk to him...do you want me to go get him?"

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