
378 3 1

December 08 1999
"For today's class we will be..." mr Kettle was saying, but I didn't hear the rest because I was already asleep.
I awoke suddenly to the door opening. I opened my eyes and saw Joey. She looked tired, her hair was half brushed and her Jean jacket was inside out and one of her shoes was untied.
I couldn't believe it Joey was late. Never in a million years would I ever think this would happen and by the look on her face... neither did she. I almost laughed out loud.
I saw Joeys face quickly turned red. As I looked at her I realized she was kind of cute when she was embarrassed. I was taken aback by the thought, I never described Joey as "cute" ever in my life. I don't think I even gave her a compliment. Something fluttered inside my stomach, making me nervous. I was getting more confused by the second. I shooed away the feeling, and as Joey was walking to her seat I motioned to her jacket signaling that it was inside out. Joey saw it and quickly fixed it.
I tried not to think about the feeling I just experienced. Something in the back of my head knew what it was, but I didn't want to believe it.
I think I have a crush on Joey.

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