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Chapter 27

"Do you love him?" Shruthi's mom asked her

"Mom for the 100th time, I have told you under what circumstances this all happened. then why do you ask me this question?" She was annoyed

"But you didn't answer the question". Her mom closed her eyes not wanting to look at Shruthis face

"Mom its just... I don't know"

"So you at least like him?" Minis face was bright now

"Yeah may be a little"

"Do you trust him?"

"Ma I have stopped doing that" Shruthi looked Sad "I have made bad choices mom and i don't want to end up in another one"

"Come here my Panda", her mom called

"Panda! mom please not that name"

"Ok my malnourished Panda, come here", her mom smiled tapping on her bed

When Shruthi sat next to her Saudamini continued

"You need no approval from anyone. When it comes to men you always try to adapt according to them, for them, trying to please them, to get their approval. BE it your Dad or your friends or that Psycho what's his name ahhhh Nadhan", she stopped to take a breath

"Mom I'm not the same now"

"yeah I see that now, you are on another extreme point, do or die!"

Shruthi agreed to her mom's words

"You can have a normal life, a life like everyone, you deserve Love and happiness"

"Mom fine..."

"Sweetheart I need you to understand something. Witch doctor is just the blog name, Do not confuse real life and your social presence. Witch Doctor doesn't need anyone she can just push away people and keep going. My Hima is not like that, she needs people around her, for her, and she cares for others too. Keep this in mind"

"Will do mom. Where is Dad?" she tried to change the topic

"Your Dad has taken Rishi for a drive",her mom winked.

"Oh God poor Rishi", she thought


"2 whiskey neat", Mr.Vishwanath ordered.

"Tell me what do you know about my Daughter?" he asked

Rishi had to choose his words wisely for he knows how dangerous it would be if he pisses of his girlfriend's father. "Girlfriend" it really had a nice tone to it.

"She is a good doctor, a good human, a very caring person and someone who reminds me of my Mother", Rishi placed his words carefully

"Apart from that what do you know about her life?" Vishwanath wanted to know

"I know about Nadhan and her induced amnesia", Rishi was watching his future Father in law's face for reactions, "Father in law" woow" even that had a nice ring Rishi thought

Vishwanath took Rishis hands and examined the bruises around his knuckles. "Nadhan?" he asked


"Good I'm impressed."

Rishi was relived

"Certain things are upto Shruthi to tell you. But as a father I have a duty to prepare you. She was abducted 4 years ago by one of the pharmaceutical company, whose drugs were banned because of me. I did not give in, I stood firm in my decision." Vishwanath gulped down his drink and ordered for more. He looked like he was suffering from guilt.

"But shruthi escaped thanks to your Mom. The Post traumatic stress was too much for her to handle, so we had no choice but to induce circumstantial amnesia. she actually doesn't remember 2 months of her life. She only knows what we told her."

"My Mom helped Shruthi?" Rishi asked

"Yes! I still don't know how she managed to track them, it was so hard for police here to even trace their phone call." Vishwanath was half drunk by then.

"Now Tell me Rishi will you be able to protect my Daughter? She is on the news now, many would have seen, though she is a little bit not recognizable now, still people will know. Your Dad needs his drug to be approved by me. I don't want another blackmail."

Rishi tried to wrap his head around the whole situation. He understood some of the strange behaviours of Varshini and Shruthi.

"So do you have people protecting her like under cover even now?" Rishi asked

"Yeah Vimal is there then there is a.. a.. a.. Mohanan, the guy who has a tea stall outside HH hospital, these two are always around her."

Rishi smiled "don't Worry I can take care of her, But tell me something, have you employed anyone to spy on me or my family or the work done at the hospital?"

"my line of work is different, I don't involve anyone to do my job", Vishwanath was telling the truth.

"Lets get you back to the room Rishi", said helping Vishwanath

"No my wife will kill me, with just her stare. she hates it when I drink. drop me at Home", Rishi enjoyed the way the great man was afraid of his wife. Maybe His shruthi would also be strict with him when he would drink. His mind went to the day he was drunk when she was around.

He wanted to drive without getting distracted so to change his mind he asked,"Why did you let Shruthi work at The Miracle?"

"I didn't know she was joining there, Her friend works there. The news was she was just visiting, but ended up joining there",Vishwanath had nearly passed out.

There were a lot of questions in his mind but Rishi drove in silence.


Prashanth was in shock, the Research sample of The Witch Doctor was large enough to prove that Em fort caused Anovulatory menstrual cycle, but they hit a snag. FOR there were no such complaints in the next 2 years, then again it started for a year so on and so forth for 7 years.

Prashanth needed to compare the Data with the production unit. But he needed a solid reason to visit the company without raising doubts.

All night Prashanth was observed with work. As the Day began to Dawn he thought about Mercina, How hard it would have been for her to tell something about her fertility. He went to her room.

Resting her Right hand over a pile of pillows she was fast asleep.

"Babes", he whispered


"I love you", he said in a low voice

"I never stopped loving you", she replied she was wide awake now

"I understand how hard it would have been for you, I'm sorry",he kissed her forehead and laid down next to her

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier", she had tears trickling down her eyes

He kissed her tears away "I Love the way you are, i'm sorry for cheating on you, im sorry for not understanding your love and I'm sorry for hurting you", he sealed her lips with his.

THE RICH DOCTOR VS THE WITCH DOCTORWhere stories live. Discover now