♡ Party saviour {|1|}

Start from the beginning

[|In her car|]

You hadn't been to a party in such a long time, let alone a crowded place. You'd only been shopping and the mall. But a party was different, a party meant crowds and groups of loud people and...

"Hey, you're going to be just fine." Izzy spoke, directing your attention from the concerns in your head. You let out a shaky breath, taking her hand in yours. "You don't need to worry okay...I'm not going to get drunk nor too many drinks for that matter. I'll have my phone on me at all times so if you want to go home, we will. Okay?" She spoke gently, doing her best to keep you calm.

You nodded at her, her thumb gently caressing the top of your hand. Her soft smile calming you down in ways no words ever could. Butterflies filled your stomach as you began to take long deep breaths, doing your best to keep yourself as calm as your body would let. 

"You ready?" Izzy asked, catching your attention. "I think so..." You mumbled, feeling your palms beginning to sweat. She nodded and began the drive.

[|At the party|]

You stepped out of the car, spotting the crowd in front of the house. You knew it was going to be a party, but still your body grew anxious with the amount of people. You stepped slowly towards the house, Izzy joining your side and taking your hand in her. 

"Let's do this!" Izzy spoke, striding towards the house. The crowd of people outside began to look, awe growing in their eyes at they looked at the two of you. A few whistled erupted from the crowd, grabbing your attention. 

"Here we go!" Izzy spoke, as you stepped onto the path. Random words were spat at you as you entered the building. "They're hot!" A few whispers. "God, I'd love to fuck that!" A few yelled, making your stomach twist. A feeling erupting from your stomach as you felt a little sick. 

You sister strode on, encouraging you to ignore the voices. "Hey guys!" Izzy spoke, finally stopping in front of a group, "Good to see you all." She continued, your eyes wandering around the space. "Right back at you Izz!" One of them spoke, finally grabbing your attention.

You looked towards the group smiling towards them all, yours eyes meeting one of them. You felt your body tense, your breath catching in your throat. You took your eyes off the figure, not wanting to be asked any questions. "Oh yeah! This is my baby sibling Y/n. The one I talk about a lot." She spoke, chuckling gently. 

You looked towards the group smiling gently. "My names' Bob, it's nice to meet you. I've heard so much about you." He spoke, placing his hand out towards you. You took it hesitantly, a soft smile appearing on his face. "So you're the famous Y/n that I hear about all the time. It's great to finally meet you. I'm Ethan by the way." He spoke, smiling at you. 

"I'm wade!" He uttered, his energy catching you off guard. Izzy glared at him, causing him to back off slightly. "I'm Mark, I'm glad to finally meet you." He spoke, his eyes catching yours as he shook your hand gently. His gentle touch, pulling at your heart as his eyes looked into yours. "I'm Seán!" Another spoke, pulling you out of your trance.

You pulled your hand from Marks, pulling yourself back to reality and looking towards the voice. "Nice accent." You replied, shaking his hand briefly. He bowed his head quickly, smiling at you. "On that note...I-I'm gonna go get a d-drink." You stuttered, looking towards Izzy. 

She nodded at you, letting you go. "If you need anything, call me immediately." She spoke, looking towards you. You nodded before walking away. 

You pushed your way through the crowd, finally making it to the kitchen. Even in here, you felt suffocated. You placed your hands on the table, taking a shaky breath. Moving along, you picked up a glass and filled it with water. 

You downed it before gently placing it in the sink. You shook your head gently, trying to get rid of any negativity before beginning to walk back. "What's a pretty thing like you doing here all alone?" A voice spoke, gripping your arm tightly. 

They pulled you into their embrace, forcing you to look at them. The smell of alcohol pouring off them made you want to be sick. "Please get off me." You spoke, trying to release their grip. "C'mon now...don't spoil the fun." They continued, their hand falling to your waist. Your breathing begin to increase as you began to panic. "Don't you want to be shown a good time." They uttered, moving closer to you, their hand falling into an uncomfortable spot. 

"Please just let go of me." You uttered, still struggling against their grip. "I don't know who you are..." You mumbled, fighting to get away from them. The more you fought, the tighter their grip grew. Tears began to build in your eyes as they pushed you towards the stairs. "I can show you if you'd like." They whispered, getting close to your ear. 

"Please stop!" You cried out, feeling tears fall down your cheeks. Anxiety began to pool through you as nothing stopped this person. "Dude, get off them!" A person spoke, approaching the two of you. "Oh I'm pretty sure they have a mouth for themselves. Could be used for something useful..." They uttered, their nails beginning to dig into your skin. 

Their hand gripped your chin, directing your face towards them. "Stop it!" You yelled, growing more anxious as nothing stopped. "Please please let me go!" You begged, tears streaming down your face as you grew closer to the stairs and them. 

Within seconds their body was torn from yours and they were on the floor. Your breathing grew rapid as you stepped back from them, your legs growing weak as you fell to the floor. A figure caught you as you reached the hard material. "Hey hey, it's okay." They uttered, pulling you closer to them. "It's me. It's Mark. You're safe." He uttered.

The person stood back up off the floor, Mark spotting their figure. "Can you wait for me just one second okay?" He spoke, letting go of you. Mark's hand flew towards the person, pushing them back to the floor. "Did you not fucking hear them?" He yelled, his punches growing with more aggression. 

"You useless piece of fucking shit!" Mark continued, punching with every word. "Mark stop!" Ethan yelled pulling him off of the bloodied persons face. "That's enough!" Ethan continued, Mark's chest rising heavily as he began to calm down. "You ever touch them again, I'll fucking kill you next time!" He yelled, spitting down at the figure on the floor. 

Mark's chest heaved before he turned to you curled towards yourself on the floor. Your panicked state was enough for him to calm as he approached you. He wrapped himself around you, compressing you gently. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He uttered, realising what he had done. 

"It's okay. It's okay. You're safe!" He continued, trying to pull you back to a state of calm. 

Continued in the next chapter...

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