Kirishima said, "Hey, she saved your sons life. The least you can do is appreciate it."

Kaminari said, "The pro heroes weren't going to make it in time so your son could have just got kidnapped." He did a little sassy pose.

The woman looked a bit guilty but fixed her face. She said, "Fine. Thank you." She walked off with her son.

After she was gone. Kirishima said, "Sorry you had to hear that, Y/n."

I said, "Its fine." We started walking again and I was a bit quiet. Do people really just call me, "The villians daughter"? They think im dangerous? Why would I-

I felt Kirishima take my hand and squeeze it. I looked at him and smiled. He looked at me and did a reassuring smile back.

We actually got to school on time and Uraraka and Momo came to me, hugging me. We squealed like little girls. 

I said, "Hey girlies!"

Uraraka said, "I missed you, Y/n!"

I said, "Missed ya too!" I grabbed Kirishima's hand because I was about to walk with the girls and I didnt really want him to leave my side.

At class:

I sat down in the seat I used to sit in. Nothing changed that much at U.A except the security. After last year, we took a long break and came back in. Kirishima even was assigned to a secret mission. He worked with Fatgum and he worked with...I think his name is Tamaki. I was proud of him when he saved a little girl. Her name was Eri.

I was kind of upset that I wasn't assigned that mission and Kirishima was busy most the time but we hung out eventually.

We were learning about different things and we were going to be working with different heroes in a bit. As long as I didnt get Endeavor again, I was fine.


We walked back to our dorms so we could put back our original stuff in it. I started to unpack and my bed was still in the same position. I never had the energy to move it.

I started to put up my pictures of Adrien, Kamiel, family, and some photos I took of my friends here. I looked at them and noticed I dont have a single picture with Kirishima.


I turned to see my door opening. Kirishima went through it. He came up to me, wrapped his hands around my waist, and laid his head on my shoulder.

He said, "You ok? From that incident earlier?"

I said, "Yeah, it's fine. A lot of people think the opposite, anyways."

We stood there in silence for a moment. His embrace felt nice. He looked at my dresser. He said, "Wow, we really don't have a picture together."

I said, "Thats what I said! But if you don't have pictures together that just means you have a lot of fun together."

He kissed my cheek and said, "Yeah, we always have fun but I also want a picture with you soooo."

He went out of the room which left me a bit confused. He came back a few minutes later with a...insta camera? It was red and looked kinda cool.

I said, "When did you get a insta camera? Does it work?"

He shrugged and pull the lens thing out. It started to flash green and he said, "Yep! You ready?"

I nodded and we sat on my bed. He left his lips on my cheek and pressed the button. The photo came out and he laid it on the desk near my bed.

I said, "Is it gonna show?"

Kirishima x Black reader *Ok, Red Riot*Where stories live. Discover now