The Golf War{Part.3}

Start from the beginning

Polly: "Noooo!" They run up to Big Henry.

Polly: "...don't go, Big Henry! We need you!"

Big Henry: "Go home, Polly..." He tells her and pushes the cart into the mine, leaving the others staring after him.

Sweating and breathing heavily, he trudges on through the seeping gas.


Outside, Mabel and Pacifica were waiting silently for the ball to reemerge; with Pacifica checking her watch occasionally.


Back in the mines, Big Henry slaps himself.

Big Henry: "Come on, Big Henry. You can do this...." He reaches the end of the track and, struggling, pushes the button to send up the ball.

He collapses beside the track, gasping, and pulls out a picture of him and Polly. His eyes fill with tears as he smiles, and with a groan he stops moving with dead silence.


The ball rolls out of the mine and into the hole.

Pacifica: "What?!" She throws her club, which Sergei catches.

Pacifica: "Sergei! Soda! Now!" She shouts as she left, with Sergei following in pursuit.

As they're gone, Mabel lifts the lid of the mine hole.

Mabel: "Okay, guys? That was bedonkulous!"

Dipper: "Hey, little hi-fives everyone, little hi-fives all around." He high-fives the miners with his finger, along with complimenting them.

Mabel: "I don't wanna call it out early, but I think the miners might have one of these in their future!" She points to sticker and the miners cheer.


Looking at them through a tiny telescope from the windmill, was Franz.

Franz: "Are you kidding me?! After everything we've worked for...?"

Dutch Lilliputtian: "Calm yourself, Franz. There may be another way to win the hugeling's favor. Knock on wood...." They knock on their clogs.


Pacifica was busy sitting on a nearby bench, while Sergei gets her a Pitt cola from the vending machine.

Pacifica: "There's something going on, Sergei. I can feel it..."

Sergei: "Maybe they have little people who control where the balls go..."

Pacifica: "Hoo, we gotta get you English lessons. I mean, think about it. I'm globally ranked. It's ridiculous that she's beating me...."

A tiny figure darts behind a bush, which went unnoticed by the two. Pacifica drinks the soda and spits out a pit.

Pacifica: "Ugh, Pitt Cola! I always forget about the pit. Get me a different one, Sergei...."

A tiny hand taps her shoulder and she is grabbed and dragged into the bush.

Sergei: "This is bad..."


The trio were now tallying up the scores.

Dipper: "I can't wait to see the look on Pacifica's face when we win. I'm thinking it'll be like 'ugh'..." He makes face and [Y/N] begins to hysterically laugh.

He does it again giggles when he sees that [Y/N] wouldn't stop laughing.

Mabel: "Guys, is it bad that I feel good about her feeling bad...?"

Dipper: "Ah, just enjoy your victory, Mabel...."

[Y/N]: "Yeah, Patricia will be fine..."

They then hear a scream and turn to see Pacifica tied in front of the windmill by the Dutch Lilliputtians.

Pacifica: "What's going on here? Let me go!"

[Y/N]: "Yep, she's fine..." He said as the twins scream and the Lilliputtian peeps out of Mabel's sleeve and lets out a scream as well.

Lilliputtian: "What'd I miss...?"

Pacifica: "Let me go, you creeps!"

Franz: "Welcome you three, welcome! I can tell you're loving this, right, right? No...?"

[Y/N]: "Yes...!" He screams and Dipper elbows him.

Mabel: "What are you guys doing...?"

Dipper: "This wasn't part of the deal, tiny Dutchman!"

Franz: "Okay, so we saw you were favoring the miners, and we figured, what's better than beating Pacifica...?" He blows a raspberry.

Franz: "Killing her, right...?"

Pacifica: "As if! I'm calling my parents. Where's my phone...?"

The Lilliputtians have taken it and are sending the message 'U R DUMM!' to someone named Tiffany.

Lilliputtian: "Hehe, send..."

Pacifica: "Hey, hey!"

Franz: "So how about it, hugeling? Who's da best now...?"

Lead Pirate Lilliputtian: "Not so fast land lubbers!" The pirates reveal that they have captured Sergei.

Lead Pirate Lilliputtian: "If you're going to play dirty, so are we. Now give us the sticker, or he walks the plank!"



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