Peter parker Imagine (request from mikeyft5sos)

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This was a request, hope you like sorry if its bad!
Y/n stands for your name,

Disclaimer do not own the characters used..

Just like usual the sound of sirens had your boyfriend Peter, up in a frenzy as he gave you a quick kiss good bye and sped off down the street and disappeared it made you wonder why he always did that when he could hear the police sirens. You tried asking him but he always evaded the question.
Your lost in thought as your hoisted up into the air by a guy on a flying board, you look around to see the young man on the board is Harry Osborne but his face is slightly disfigured and he looks evil , you scream for help yelling 'peter!!' Osborne says 'theres no use calling for your boyfriend he's to far away' you spit back at him 'how would you know your just a criminal' , he grins evilly at you and just laughs at you , thats when you see spiderman swinging after you so you bit Osborne's hand and he drops you right of the board, as your falling through the air you thought you could hear peter calling 'y/n' being yelled as spiderman swooped beneath you and swing away with you.

He gently swings around the buildings as you cling onto him, when you land you see spiderman pull of his mask and step back in shock to say 'So thats where you keep going, Mr Parker you could've told me!' He stands there and starts to say it was to keep you safe you cut of him with a kiss on the lips and say I love you now shut up and kiss me, he grins gleefully and kissed you as the sunsets..
So there was the first imagine.!
Hope you liked it , if its bad please tell me , so i can improve it and if anyone has any other requests don't forget to ask me..

Marvel Preferences and Imagines!!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon