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Y/n woke up to her father poking her face to wake her up shuffling in her bed trying to move more into the quilt "Y/n-channnn time for breakfast then I have surprise for you~" once the word surprise left his lips the 4 year old shot out of the bed and onto her Oto-san "Good morning Oto-sannnnn" she said with a tired smile Satoru picked her up and carried her downstairs and placed her in a chair and handed the cereal and a glass of orange juice.

Y/n just finished brushing her teeth rushing down the stairs in her little bear dress she run up to her Oto-san "Oto-sannnn what's the surprise" the little girl asked "They should be arriving right about now!" 



"Welcome Yuji-kun"

"Hai sensei" 

the puzzled 4 year old still didn't understand looking at her Oto-san "Y/n-Chann your going to spend the day with Yuji-kun as I have to run some errands!"  the little girl was excited to spend her day with Yuji but also sad that she couldn't stay with her Oto-san.She walked up to satoru and pulled on his sleeve "Oto-san but I don't want you to leave" she said with tears in her eyes, this made Satoru and Yuji panic "Y/n-Chan how about when I get home we can watch f/m or bake mochi" the little girl soon rubbed her tears away and smiled at the older male with a pat on her head and a threat to Yuji about if he hurt his daughter he wouldn't mind hunting him down with that being said he left the house.

Pulling the salmon hair boy into her room she asked would he like to see her favourite curses she then pulled out a big book filled with curses which surprised Yuji as she was only 4 This made a eye and mouth appear on Yujis hand "Oi Brat why do you have a book on curses?" "well Sukuna my Oto-san is the strongest Shaman soooo" the child smiled brightly at the hand which caused him to "Tsk annoying brat" the eye and mouth faded away the small child wondered what she did wrong getting a little upset Yuji noticed and tried to comfort the child "Yuu-channn d..dose sukuna hate me" she stuttered trying to keep her tears in but failed miserably.

This was new to her as most people liked her so being called annoying or a brat did hurt but she understood he's a curse with no feelings with that being said she ran to her Oto-sans room and locked the door crying.

The young salmon haired boy was panicking what happed if his sensei found out he or well sukuna made his precious daughter cry "Sukuna fix this right now!" a mouth and eye appeared on his cheek "what if a I said no" with a Cheshire like grin on the side of his face the young salmon boy panicked "I-i won't let you out ever again" with that being said sukuna tsk as this was kinda stupid to him "fine ill apologise but I wont mean it" the salmon haired boy sighed at this and tried to find the girl he heard sniffling coming from one room he knocked on the door "Y/n-Chann, sukuna wants to say something" with this being said she stopped her tears but was still sniffling "Tsk I'm sorry....Brat" with that being said the young girl opened the door to the salmon haired boy and looked eye and mouth on his cheek with big red puffy eyes "If your sorry promise me something" "fine if it will stop you whining" "Promise you will never hurt Yuu-chan" "hmm...fine but I might break it you know?" "alright then if you hurt him you have to promise to heal him" "Fine fine whatever just stop pestering me" with that being said the young girl beamed at the the eye and mouth on Yujis face and within a second it was gone the salmon haired boy was just standing there stunned at what just happened.

~Time skip brought to you by Nanami hitting Gojo~

Yuji and Y/n was sitting on the couch eating ice-cream waiting for Satoru to come home as it was getting late within 10 minutes the door opened to show a tall white haired male when the little girl saw her Oto-sann she squealed "Oto-sannnnn you took soo longggg" she dived off the couch and into her Oto-sans arms hugging him in the process he obviously hugged back chuckling to himself at how clingy she was to him but this made him smile. 

Yuji went home it was now just the father and daughter chilling out on his bed watching a random show that was on the TV the older male soon heard little snores coming from next to him he looked down and smiled seeing her so peaceful put his mind at ease know that she will always be here when he come home or even with him sometimes. He soon fell asleep snuggling his mini me.

Hello I hope you enjoyed I though I would make a little chapter up before continuing on with the anime with a bonding chapter with Yuji/Sukuna with the young MC! and a little father/daughter bonding kind of :D

Fun Fact:

- Sukuna was a little upset when he hurt the child feeling but didn't show it.

- Yuji was surprised when the child made a promise with The king of curses for his safety.

- Satoru hate the fact that he sometimes has to leave his precious daughter with someone else.

Word count 935.

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