Booki🎸: Ibuki is so excited for our next date! I really wanna spend more time with you! <3

Miki🩹: I hope you like what I have planned!

Booki🎸: Ibuki'll love it as long as I'm with you Miki! <3
Booki🎸: buuttttt do you mind giving Ibuki a hint? 😸

I laughed a little at Ibuki's curiosity, feeling the heat in my cheeks as I blushed. And I responded back after calming down a little.

Miki🩹: It's a surprise Ibuki! You'll just have to wait until Friday to find out <3

Booki🎸: oooo so secretive! Ibuki wonders what you have in store
Booki🎸: Ibuki has to go to her best friends birthday party now, see you tomorrow Miki! <3

Miki🩹: See ya Ibuki! 💜

I quickly closed my phone and tossed it to the side, wondering if sending the heart was too much or if Ibuki would like it. It's the name as sending '<3', right? Or are their different meanings when it comes to the hearts??

I sighed and laid down on my bed, grabbing the stuffed pink and white rabbit Ibuki and I won on our first date. I held it close to me.

I laid like that until Nagito arrived, I heard him knocking on my bedroom door, "You c-can come i-in!"

Nagito walked in with a bag which I assumed had his clothes for tomorrow, he set his bag down near my desk and pulled out some pajamas. "Do you mind if I go change in the bathroom?"

I gave the okay and he walked over to the bathroom, closing the door and locking it. After a few minutes he walked back out in a dark green hoodie and white sweatpants, putting the clothes he had on earlier in the bag.

He walked over to my bed and tilted his head as I sat up, "What do you wanna do? We have a few hours until sunset."

I thought about what Nagito and I could do, I got an idea and spoke, "Ma-maybe we can g-go get some snacks fr-from the corner st-store and watch really b-bad romcom movies!"

"Ah, like what we did on our first sleepover." Nagito smiled, sitting up and going to put on his shoes. I jumped out of bed and put on my own shoes, "It's l-like tradition." I giggled.

I put on a sweater and followed Nagito out of my room, leaving my apartment and locking it before using the elevator down and leaving the apartment building.

We walked in a comfortable silence to the small corner store down the street, Nagito opened the door to the store and said, "You may go first m'lady." I giggled and bowed in a royal manner, "Th-thank sir Komeada."

We walked into the store and went through the different isles, grabbing different snacks and giggling as we would play around with each other. Hiding and chasing each other around the small store.

We eventually got all the snacks we wanted and paid for them, leaving the store and walked back to the apartment, making jokes about our friends and situations we've been in.

We used the elevator and walked back to my apartment, I unlocked it and we entered my apartment. Taking the snacks out of the bags and putting the bags in my pantry for later use.

We grabbed our snacks and made our way back to my room, sitting on my bed and laying out the snacks in front of us. I took off my sweater and threw it onto my desk chair.

I grabbed the remote from my nightstand and turned on the TV, grabbing my LED remote and turning the lights purple.

I handed Nagito the remote and let him pick the cheesy romcom movie, since his luck usually helps him pick the best worst romcom.

After finding a good one to bash, he set the remote down and we began eating the snacks, laughing to ourselves and at the movie.

Time flew by fast and before we knew it, we had eaten all the snacks and finished watching two movies and a few conspiracy theory videos.

We threw away our trash and got into bed, Nagito looking up at the ceiling as I laid on my side. "This really is like old times, eating snacks and having fun. That is true hope."

"Mhm.." I nodded tiredly, then smiled at a memory. "R-remember when ev-everyone thought we were to-together??" I heard Nagito chuckle, "You know what they say, you're not true best friends until all your friends think you're together."

We both laughed and grew silent once more, I let my mind wander the coming days. However, I was looking forward to Friday more than anything.

I smiled to myself and thought about how Ibuki will react, 'I hope she likes it' I blushed and let my thoughts wander to the extroverted rockstar.

It was still a shock how Ibuki had taken an interest in me, I still don't even know how that happened, but...

Ibuki was the best person that could've ever happened to me, I yawned and started drifting to sleep.

'I don't know what I would do without you..'

- - - - -

Why do four shadows hurt so much

Anyways I have to go speedrun Peko's birthday drawing 😻😻


Word Count: 1551

The Guitarists Savior (Bandaid/Tsubuki)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ