The merchant town

Start from the beginning

"So you really are wearing an appron?" Meliodas fires back, as they all continue to look around for anything that might help them find the hammer, "lets go and find an arms vendor" Meliodas exclaims

"Are you and your lovely lady looking for something, or are you planning on joining in on the festival?" An old man suddenly asked Meliodas and Adira. The man was sitting on a barrel and he had a mug full of booze which he was sipping quickly

"Oh im not his la-"

"Nope, we are trying to look for a weapon. Its a really big hammer" Meliodas cuts Adira off and sends the man a big smile. As Adira looked up at the man she couldnt help but feel like she had met him before, there was just something so familiar about him. "We heard there might be one in this town so we decided to pop in and have a look around"

"Oh well that is easy enough, it is right there behind that gigantic rock" The old man replies with a small laugh and then points over at a gigantic rock on the side of the town.

"Thank you sir" Adira comments and then her, Ban, King and Meliodas or begin to run over to the rock and over to the other side, and sure enough there it was, stuck inside the side of the rock, as large as ever.

There were already a bunch of people admiring the large hammer, "well would you look at that, turns out that it was here the whole time!" Meliodas says with a grin as he places his hands on his hips.


"Alright, it is time to begin the annual fighting festival now!" The referee called out loudly and the crowd began to throw their fists up into the air in excitement and cheer loudly. The referee was a short looking creature covered in a red cloth and had a helmet over it head. 

"Now remember, the use of weapons is strictly forbidden! Men who like to let their fists do all of the talking should hurry and go sign up right away!" The referee yelled enthusistically. Adira rolled her eyes, she was going to have even more fun now, showing that girls too, can use their fists to 'do all of the talking'

"Now the winner gets to run away with 100 coin. And we are going to be adding this gigantic war hammer into the prize as well!" The referee calls out loudly, over the cheering.

Adira, Ban and Meliodas were practically jumping in excitement 

"What a barbaric gathering, am I right?" Ban asks and turns around to see Meliodas, Adira and Ban all smirking at each other

"We are going to be signing up right captain and mistress?" Ban says excitedly

"Lets see who had got what it takes" Meliodas says with a smirk

"Oh I am so going to beat you guys" Adira adds in

Meliodas grabs onto the back of Kings hoodie and they begin walking to the front of the crowd, "Hey count us in!" Meliodas called out towards the red ref

"count me out!" King said and then suddenly a giant guy picked Meliodas and Adira up by the front of their shirts and glared at them as he lifted them to his eye level, "This aint a festival for little kids, especially a little girl! So get the hell out of here"

"Sorry, I dont see what the problem is" Meliodas said with a blank face, "but if you dont put her down, there will be a problem"

"Hey there friend," A man with greenish blonde hair pulled the tall guys arm down, "this is a festival okay, how about you just relax and dont ruin all of the fun" the man commented 

The giant guy let go of Adira and Meliodas and glared over at the guy who had stopped him, "What! who the hell do you think you are? You know that my name is Taizoo right? I have been the winner of this festival for three years in a row!" he yelled and went to walk off but of course, Adira being Adira, the girl spoke up

"Yeah well thats gonna change this year" Adira told him with a smirk. The guys stepped towards her threateningly but Meliodas shifted in front of her and glared up at Taizoo, "save it for the ring" Meliodas growled and Taizoo scoffed, rolling his eyes and walking off


The fighting festival elimination round will begin now!" The referee called as all of the contestents crowded on the large ring on top of the giant rock that Gideon was stuck in the side of.

"Now, lets get ready to take Diane's sacred treasure back," Meliodas told the sins with a grin on his face and they all nodded their heads, King was the only one who wasnt exciteded to be fighting. 

"now the ref will be yours truely, love helm" the ref calls as he floats above the ring "the rules of the elimination round are extremely simple. You must knock your opponent out of this ring. Throwing them out is fine. Pushing them out is fine too. Or you can send them flying! As long as it is barehanded, then it is great."

The crowd listenend as the weird ref with the annoying voice continued on talking, "The last eight contestants that are still standing by the end of the elimination round will move onto the finals, now then, let the brawling begin!"

Everyone quickly began fighting, throwing punches and kicks, trying to knock each other out of the ring. Adira stood in the middle, sending everyone who came at her, flying right out of the ring.

"God this shit is bloody boring, where is the good fighters?" Adira mumbled out as she carelessly and effortlessly threw more and more people out of the ring, not even sparing them a glance before throwing them out.

Adira, Ban and Meliodas all walked back and met in the middle, "hey Ban and Angel, make sure that you guys pull your punches against these people" Meliodas tells them

"Yeah obviously" Ban says with a grin and rubs the back of his head sheepishly, "this festival wouldnt be much fun if we just killed everybody here"

"Hey appron boy, over there" Adira says to ban and catches his attention before pointing over at a guy that was wearing a red leather jacket that was the same as his old one. Bans eyes widened before he smirked and quickly made his way over to him

"Good luck blondie" Adira says with a grin and then goes to fight more people, Meliodas watched her from a distance, a smile tugging at his lips as he watched her enjoying herself.

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