The spirits of those who died

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"Look man, riddles have never exactly been my thing" Ban suddenly spoke up, his patience was beginning to wear thing, though it seemed that Adira was the only one who became aware of it.

Meliodas then stuck his finger in the air in realisation, "Oh i get it! So basically what you are saying is..." Meliodas rushed over to the table and grabbed a plate that still had food on it and then he tied to to a peice of string and attached it to a stick before dangling the plate in front of Hawk, just out of reach, "its something like this" 

Adira snorted in laughter and grinned at her best friend. Elizabeth grabbed the plate from in front of Hawk and untied it before placing it back down in the table, "I dont think that, thats it" ELizabeth told the short tavern owner

"So it is like a grave but it is hidden right?" Meliodas asked, still trying to figure out what the kids were actually saying. Adira moved her eyes to look at Hawk who was grunting softly as he stuggled to try and get some of the food that was on the table. Adira grinned before reaching over and grabbing a plate, placing it down on the floor for the pig to eat.

Hawk gave her a quick grin of thanks and then quickly dug into the food before he got caught. "it's not a grave at all. It is a land that is owned to itself where you will find the spirits of those who have died" the young brother spoke out

Adira looked at him in interest, "wait, so are you talking about the after life or something like that?" she asked, her voice was full of interest "that sounds so co-"

"But how could we reach a place like that?" Elizabeth asked, as she interupted Adira, earning a small glare from the short brunette who continued to secretly sneak food under the table to Hawk who was hiding and silently taking the food from her hand. "It so-"

Ban smirked as he happily cut the princess off, mad that she had cut Adira off, "so tell me. Have you guys ever had the chance to actually go there yourselves?" Ban asks the two kids

The brother quickly began to shake his head, "o-oh no of course not all of that stuff is just superstitious nonsense" he said. Adira raised her eyebrow as she looked at him, he said that way to fast for it to be normal, she looked towards the younger girl who seemed uncomfortable and then she thought back to the bird that she had seen earlier.

It looked familar when she saw it because she had saw it before thousands of years ago when her and Zeldris had first found the clearing. The bird was dead and that was why it had been able to disapear when it had led her to the opening. Adira was sure that the two kids in front of her, were in fact dead.

"If you share with the dead your most precious memories, they will lead you where you want to go" The young girl said as she moved closer to her brother, clearly a very shy person, but she wanted to help "the man next door used to say that to us all of the time. I'm sorry but that is all I know" her eyes trailed down to the plate in front of her which was bare of any food but it still caried the left over oils and sauses from the food

"That tip just paid for your meal and then some. Seriously, thanks Elaine" Ban said with a grin as he reached forward and patted the small girls head with his large hand. Adiras head had shot up at the name that had left the mans lips. It had proved that her suspicion about him wanting to get into the Necropolis to see Elaine was correct. Adira's eyes softened in sympathy at the red eyed boy in front of her.

Adira knew how much pain Ban was in, he was desperate to see his true love and Adira could relate to that more than he knew. She too was desperate to see her true love again, but she knew if that were to happen then that would only lead to a holy war, and more than likely the casualties of some of the most important people in her life, along with millions of other people.

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