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*48 hours earlier*
VICTORIA SCOWLED AT THE boy she had looked up to as an older brother for years. "Sei proprio un idiota!" She glanced up at him as she handed him back his phone after listening to the voice message from him that Altheya had sent the groupchat.

Damiano sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He didn't realize Altheya saved it, let alone shared it with her closest girlfriends. But then again that's why he never understood girls.

"I know... I know... look I was just angry and jealous okay?"

Victoria bit her lip and shook her head.
"That doesn't mean you swear at a girl and get mad at her for moving on with her life when you were the one that hurt her, Dami."

Damiano took a deep breath. "Then what should I do?"

Victoria shrugged. "I don't know if there's anything left to do, Dami..."

Suddenly, Charlotte came sauntering into the dressing room again. "Dami? You need some advice? About what? Are you already thinking of dinner plans for after the show?"

The blonde batted her long eyelashes as she wrapped her arms around her boyfriend's neck and practically draped herself onto him.

Damiano sighed and held the bridge of his nose. "After this there is no going back." He thought.

Damiano took another deep breath and held Charlotte's hands in his. "Amore, we need to talk." He then gave Victoria a glance, darting towards the door. Victoria nodded and slipped out of the room.

"What's wrong, Dami? Are you breaking up with me?"
Charlotte asked him as her voice rose into a high-pitched whine. She gave him her best puppy dog eyes as Damiano tilted his head towards the floor for a moment and then raised his head to be at eye level with hers.

Damiano inhaled quickly, "the longer you wait, the harder it gets. So get on with it!" His conscious seemed to say to him.


"Look, Charlie... there... there isn't an easy way to say this, but yes... we're, uhh... I'm breaking up with you."
Damiano replied slowly, letting the words come out of his mouth with zero restraint.

"You hate me, right? That's why, that's why you're choosing to do this." Charlotte's voice began to become choked with sobs almost immediately.

Damiano just rolled his eyes quickly before shaking his head softly at her.

Charlotte was just too much and he didn't really understand her as much as he would have liked to. Charlotte was usually always within an earshot of him and she would always cling to him whenever she saw him.

She never gave him any space, unlike Altheya who'd give him space whenever he needed it. Altheya never pushed him into anything, she had always wanted him to be his own person. But as soon as he met Charlotte all of that seemed to change and because of one stupid stupid choice, Damiano lost the only girl he'd ever really cared about.

"No, no, no... I could never hate you Charlotte..." Damiano replied slowly as he exhaled. This was a total lie though because lately he was getting really tired of her and her annoying clingy attitude.

"Just rip it off like a bandaid!" His conscious seemed to say to him again.

Right. Bandaid.

Charlotte continued to sob and tried to wrap her arms around Damiano's neck for comfort but he wouldn't give her the satisfaction.

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