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the devil 😈🖤
please talk to me bea, i said i was sorry.

an angel 😇🖤
*read at 10:32pm*

the devil 😈🖤
come on please bea, i called your siblings and your parents house and left multiple messages but they weren't answering me either. please forgive me.

an angel 😇🖤
they're not answering you because of what you did so....

the devil 😈🖤
fuck it bea, i said i'm sorry. what else can i do?

an angel 😇🖤
just cut it with the b.s okay? i don't have time for traitors like you.

the devil 😈🖤
bea... don't...

an angel 😇🖤
you're not allowed to call me that anymore, that nickname is only for friends and family... not devils like you...

the devil 😈🖤
fine then, altheya, i'm sorry okay??

an angel 😇🖤
you're obviously not sorry if you're still seeing her.... fuck you and fuck her too.
vaffanculo 🖕🏽

the devil 😈🖤
*read at 11:03pm*

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