Chapter Three

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Malaya was at home after hanging out with her friends.

Mal asked, "How was hanging out with your friends."

Malaya replied, "It was good."

Mal said, "Let's get your dress fitted for your coronation."

Malaya replied, "Okay, mom."

Mal and Malaya went to the dressmaker.

Royal Dressmaker said, "Hello."

Mal replied, "Hi, my daughter is here to try on her coronation dress."

Royal Dressmaker replied, "I'll get it."

Mal responded, "Thanks."

The royal dressmaker went to go and get the dress. Soon enough, she came back with a beautiful purple dress which is Malaya's favourite colour.

Malaya said, "That's such a beautiful dress."

Royal Dressmaker replied, "Well, go and try it on."

Malaya responded with "Definitely."

Mal carefully took the dress off the stand and handed it to her daughter. Malaya took the dress and headed to the changing room. A few moments later, Malaya came out wearing her dress.

Mal said, "It looks wonderful on you"'

Malaya replied, "Thanks, Mom."

Royal Dressmaker said, "Perfect; now you can take it off and put it in your closet."

Malaya went back into the changing rooms and put on her regular clothes. She took the dress with her.

Royal Dressmaker said, "Have a good day, your majesty and your highness."

Mal responded, "Thank you very much."

Malaya replied, "Thanks."

With that, Mal and Malaya left the royal dressmaker with the dress and headed toward Malaya's room. Afterwards, Malaya put her dress in the closet.

Mal said, "Alright, dear, now I have paperwork to do, so see you later."

Malaya replied, "See you later, mom."

Mal left to do some paperwork.

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