Chapter Three

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Finally after all this time, the third chapter is finally here! I'm so so so so sorry for making you all wait this long for an update but I hope this chapter makes up for it. You didn't think Imogen was just going to take him back just like that did you? No his going to have to work for it and he knows it. Enjoy :) 


One Sided Love: Chapter Three 

Gravelington, January 1909.

It was already the morning and as I got ready for breakfast I couldn't help but think about yesterday and seeing Samuel again, it's been three years and he seemed to look even more handsome. I shoke my head from thinking of that man, although I forgave him didn't mean anything. Just because he said sorry meant nothing, I didn't come back for him but to see my family and friends, I wouldn't let that man break down the walls I built and fall into that trap again.

A knock at the door quickly caught my attention, "Miss Imogen, your parents have asked me to come and get you for breakfast, Mrs Lockwood is downstairs and excited to see you" Marie smiled knowing I would be excited at the mention of Samuel's mother, as she's been like a second mother to me.

In response I couldn't help the grin make it's way onto my face. "Catherine is here!? Oh how it will be good to see her after all this time" I exclaimed excitedly, setting down my hair brush I quickly made my way out of my room and in the dining room, seeing Catherine opposite to my mum I rushed to her side bending down to give he a massive hug whilst she sat in her chair, her arms going round me and hugging me tight.

"Imogen, daring how good it is to see you" she said holding onto my hands, making me step back a little she looked me up and down with a smile on her face. "It's been so long, how you've grown up into a beautiful young lady" she gushed, "Sit with me" she said patting the table to her right side of her, quickly I sat down after saying morning to my parents and sister, the smile wouldn't leave my face as we all enjoyed our breakfast together.

It was the end of breakfast whilst Marie cleared away the table I went and helped her whilst everyone else made their way to the living room, "It's good to have you back home Miss Imogen, your parents and sister haven't been the same since you left" Marie told me honestly causing my heart to break, I missed them too. "I missed you all too, it was a hard decision. After everything that happened I had to get away" I told her honestly, hugging my friend close to me.

I made my way into the living room, Emma nowhere to be seen only my parents and Catherine, a tray with a pot of tea. 

"He has not been the same since she left, now that she's back I do hope one day for them to return to each other and finally confess the love they have for each other" Catherine whispered just before I entered the room causing me to stop in my steps as I listened further.

My father sighed, "After all his done, I don't know if that will ever happen Catherine. I loathed your son for some time after Imogen's departure but he is like a son to me. I will always side with my daughter and if she feels one day she wants to be with him then I will accept her wishes and as for now I will accept that she will most likely not want anything to do with him" he said causing me to bit down on my lip a small smile on my face as my father spoke on my behalf.

Wanting the subject of me and Samuel to finish I quickly made my way in, forcing a larger smile on my face as I set down the tray. "How are things Catherine, with the business?" I questioned setting down and pouring us all a cup of tea.

Catherine smiled as she picked up a cup, "The business is doing well, Samuel took over the company just after you left, threw himself into his work actually" she said the last part quietly as she sipped from her cup, he threw himself into his work because I left, I thought.

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