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   When Max woke up he knew it was different. It worked. Viral was gone. He didn't even need to check to know. His head still felt fuzzy from the procedure. "Papa..?"

   "He's with Father. It's me."

   "Cyph?" Max opened up his eyes. 

   "Yup." Cypher gave a slight wave at his brother. 

   "Did it work..?" He asked softly. 

   Cypher sucked on his teeth. "The operation was a success. The pieces of code were switched fine."

   Max didn't like that. He sat up. "But..?" 

   "Father's body isn't receiving the bit of code well.  He had two different seizures and his soul gave out once. He isn't well..." Cypher sighed. 

   "What?" Max jumped out of bed. 

   "Max- Sit."

   "No! Take me to see him. Now." Max huffed putting his foot down.  

   Cypher sighed. "Fine. Come on." He headed out of the room and down the hall. The air was gloomy all around.

   Maxwell didn't like it. 

   Inside the room wasn't better at all. Papa was in the corner asleep at the moment. Rune was sat by the bed strangely quiet. She looked so gloomy... 

   And dad... Dad laid on the hospital bed with a soul monitor attached and a code panel open next to him at all times. He was on his side to help combat the seizures. His skin was pale and sickly looking. He trembled with fever sparks still jumping off him occasionally. The black lines trailed all the way across his shoulders and down his arms. A few swirled down his chest creating a spider web of corrupted code. It looked bad. 

   Maxwell gasped sharply as tears pricked his eyes. "Dad..."

   Rune looked up and frowned. "Why did you bring him here?"

   "He wouldn't stay in bed." Cypher sat down in a chair by Rune's side. 

   "How long have I been out? Is he going to be okay? How badly is his body rejecting Viral?" Max spat out a million different questions.

   "Calm down. You've been out a couple days, we don't know, and badly..." Rune sighed. 

   Max whimpered and just sat down. He couldn't do anything now... Now it was a matter of waiting. 


Breaking Point: An Omniverse StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon