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   Cypher wasn't excited for this banquet. He could hardly be in the same room as his father let alone sitting so close with only Rune between them. He fidgeted in his seat and grit his teeth. You're better than him Cypher. Don't be selfish. You're here for Peter. It's Peter's first time hosting a banquet. 

   "Please don't start anything," Karma whispered in his older sons ear.

   "I won't. It'll be him that starts something." Cypher crossed his arms. 

   Karma sighed and sat down. He still had no idea why his husband and his son fell apart like that. They were doing so much better after Cypher recovered... and then Mattie had his breakdown. But even after that they seemed alright. Two years ago something changed and suddenly Cypher wanted nothing to do with Matthew!

   Even Rune took notice of the tense air between her dad and her brother. She glanced both directions carefully. "Peter! Great party! Good food!" 

   Peter smiled. "Thanks Rune. I worked really hard on planning this. With Matt's help of course."

   Matt chuckled from the other side of the table near Taylor and the triplets. "Don't mention it kiddo. This is your party I just helped organize."

   "It is a lovely party Peter." Rachel smiled at her youngest brother. 

   Skylar reached over to nuggie her brother. "See! I told you it was no big deal you dummy."

   Cypher blanked out of his trance when he saw Max approach father. His soul started racing and his gears spinning. Oh this had disaster written all over it. He leaned over to listen as the idle conversation continued. 

   "Dad. Can I tell you something?" Maxwell asked forcing all the politeness he coudl into his voice. 

   "Not now."

   "Dad... please? It's important!"

   "Not. Now. Maxwell." Matthew gave the youngest a short glance. 

   Cypher grit his teeth preparing to stand. Rune caught his arm and shook her head. He also noticed the desperate look his papa gave. He grit his teeth and crossed his legs. 

   "But dad-"


   "Theres a virus! In my code... But he isn't bad! He's nice!"

  The room went silent. You could almost hear a pin drop. How did Cypher not know this? How did he not figure it out? There were so many signs...

   "What." Matthew fully turned to his son. 

   Maxwell shrunk back. He understood why Viral said this was a bad idea now... "He isn't bad! I promise!"

   "Maxwell why did you not tell me about this? Do you know how much easier that could have made things?"

   Cypher blinked. Oh no. A part of him felt sorry for Peter and his party...


   "Yes easier! It makes so much sense. You were able to handle all that power so well of course there had to be something limiting it." Matthew ran his fingers through his hair.

   "What do you mean? What power..?" Maxwell asked softly. 

   "My power! I had to... Stars Maxwell I am sick! Do you not see that? If you had told me about this virus I could have fixed myself so much easier!" 

   "What are you talking about dad?" Maxwell had tears welling up in his eyes. 

   "I needed to let out power easier so I created the perfect thing."

   "Thing..? Is... that all I am?" Max stepped away from his father. 

   Matthew realized his words a moment to late. "Maxwell..."

   Max ducked his head and opened up a portal to hide in. He was gone. 




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