[04 - Hide & Seek & Tumnus 2]

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I was hesitant as I followed closely behind the two happily chatting individuals, their arms interlaced as they move towards a large cave just ahead. The door presenting as the entrance was wooden yet beautifully carved, my eyes brightening at the unique sight of the cave-home. He opened the door with an inviting smile, Lucy entering with a bright one being returned as I followed still in awe of the cozy home.

He shuts the door softly and makes the umbrella follow suit, the snow gracefully sliding off as he taps the object to the ground with two satisfying clicks. He heads off to start the tea rather quickly, joy in his eyes as if he hasn't had company in ages before now, my eyes watching him carefully before I decide to turn and place the parcels on a shelf nearby. Lucy was more than excited to help the faun make the tea, the girl offering sweetly as she came up to him in a steady manner, "Let me help you with that." I could hear their happy talks go on as I began staring at a picture with another faun inside it, Mr. Tumnus piping up when he noticed where my eyes had landed, "Oh... That is my father."

I look at Mr. Tumnus with a forced smile. "He has a nice face. You look just like him." My words were meant to be comforting as I thought of my own lack of a father, however, his expression seems to falter as a sad gleam appears in his eyes, he protests softly as his smile turns sad, "No, we're not alike at all really." Lucy piped up at that moment, her own smile turning more downcast as she seemed to recall her own parents, "My father is fighting in the war." Her pout was noticeably sad, Mr. Tumnus speaking up once more, "My father went away to war too... But that was a very long time ago... before this dreadful winter." His words were icy as he spoke, the tinge of softness nearly unnoticeable as he seemed to recall something unpleasant. "I don't know my father..." I comment, my figure moving from the nightstand as I turn to take a seat on a nearby chair.

The two give me a sad look, and I force out a laugh as I lean back comfortably in the seat, my eyes scanning around the home with bright eyes. "Winter isn't all that bad though," I offer up the change of topic subtly, the faun tilting his head to the side as I continue, "There's ice skating and snowball fights..." I trail off, beginning to think of more suggestions as Lucy soon interjects with an excited gleam, "Oh! And Christmas!"

Mr. Tumnus went quiet, his happy expression changing once more into something sad as he speaks, "We haven't had Christmas in a hundred years." The comment made me wince, my teeth finding my bottom lip as I glance over at Lucy, her eyes wide in shock and horror as she questions with bewilderment, "No presents for a hundred years?" The surprise was clear as day on her face, and I couldn't help but feel that something was slightly wrong as he changes the topic swiftly,

"But, oh, you would have loved Narnia in spring! The Dryads and the Fauns would dance all night... but we never got tired. And oh, the music! Such music. Would you... like to hear some now?" Mr. Tumnus question and description made the scene sound like a fairytale, my eyes closing as I tried to picture the scene, Lucy responding with eagerness as she sits down nearby, our tea on the coffee table in the middle of the three chairs, "Oh, yes please!"

He pulls out a flute as I open my eyes, my hands grabbing the cup of tea as I hesitantly take a sip of the liquid. "Now, are you familiar with Narnian lullabies?" The question was posed, the words almost sounding teasing as I shake my head slowly, Lucy answering verbally as she lifts her cup upwards, "No, I'm afraid we're not." He gives a nervous smile as he prepares the flute, licking his lips slightly as he makes a small comment, "Good, because this probably won't sound anything like one."

I had to hold back my chuckle at his words, Lucy openly giggling as he begins the song. I tense and relax as my gaze lands on the flames, the fire beginning to move and shift as it seems to make dancing figures appear. I can feel myself grow drowsy as I take another slow sip, my eyes narrowing as I gaze down at the tea as they open and close slowly. "What did...?" I couldn't finish my sentence as the cup falls from my hands, two shattering sounds happening as my eyes close shut and I get put to sleep.


My eyes open quickly as I feel the shift of the wooden floorboards, Lucy shifting as well as a long yawn slips past her lips. It was eerily dark outside, and my eyes widen quickly as I scan around the room rapidly, my hands landing on Lucy and shaking her rapidly as I urge the girl to wake up. Her eyes were groggy as she woke, her hands rubbing at them until she notices the time, her words slipping out quickly, "Oh, we must go."

"It's too late for that now. I'm such a bad faun." The words were from Mr. Tumnus, the faun curled up in the corner of the room with deep red eyes as tears slip from his tear ducts and down his cheeks. We look towards him, Lucy growing concerned as she moved towards him with a handkerchief, her words slipping out with comfort as I stand anxiously behind her, "No. You're the nicest faun we've ever met." She had stood back up as he grabbed the handkerchief, her frame coming closer to me as he speaks up with a bitter chuckle,

"Then I'm afraid you are both very poor saplings." His words were small as he spoke, Lucy growing increasingly confused as she offers some comfort and encouragement, "I'm sure you're very sorry, and you'll never do it again." She was optimistic with her words, and I became more nervous, my hands landing on the younger girl's shoulders as I bring her close to me, Mr. Tumnus offering an apologetic look as he responds, "It's not something I've done, Lucy Pevensie, Cassandra, it's something I am doing." I was hesitant to ask the question swimming in my head, the words coming out before I could stop them as I hold onto the girl tighter, her eyes lifting up to mind slowly, "What are you doing?" He whimpers as he answers, his expression complicated, "Kidnapping you both."

I shudder at his words, pulling the girl closer as he begins to explain swiftly, fear laced in his tone as he speaks within his sobs, "It's the White Witch, the one that makes it always winter, and never Christmas. She told me that if I ever was to come across a son of Adam or a daughter of Eve, I am supposed to hand them over to her." I hear sniffling from the girl in my grasp, her words coming out weak as she looks betrayed by the faun in front of us both, her words slipping out with a heartbreaking whine, "But I thought you were our friend."

His expression turns hesitant before he rises swiftly, the male quickly grabbing and slipping on the red scarf he carried around, his eyes turning to us both with a direct determination now present in his gaze. He grabs one of each of our hands swiftly, dragging us out from the home at a quick pace as he speaks up rapidly, "We must move quickly, the woods are full of her spies. Even some of the trees are on her side." His gaze was apologetic as we stopped at the lamp post, his eyes flickering from me to Lucy as he glances around rapidly.

"Can you two find your way back?" Concern was laced in his tone as he asks his question, my voice coming out with gratefulness and determination as I nod, "I think so." My confirmation makes him sigh in relief as he then ushers us forward, "Go... Come on, go!" He rushes us quickly pushing us along to make us both start to move. Lucy is ahead of me, per my own pushing her forward, and Mr. Tumnus pauses as he grabs my wrist. "What's your last name?" His question was sudden, his eyes lingering in contact with my own as I respond uncertainly, "Kirke." My reply is met with a wide eyed and happy gasp as he lets my hand drop, his posture going into a bow as he urges, his words dripping with respect and awe, "Go, My Lady, quickly!"

I hold the questions back as I run towards the wardrobe, Lucy already halfway through as we exit the large wooden chest. "100!" The number is called out as soon as I exit, Peter continuing with his next statement with an almost bored tone, "Ready or not, here I come!" I fail to grasp Lucy's wrist as she darts forward once inside the room, exiting the area in a rush of excitement, "Lucy, wait! | We're back! We're back! We're alright!" Is what she cries out, embarrassment flooding over my features as I hear her words and my own get ignored, my feet beginning to drag slowly in her direction as she runs in the other three kids direction.

[A/N: Sorry for the late update, I just started taking an antidepressant and it made me very sick for the past two days of taking it, so here is the chapter and I hope you enjoy!]

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