[01 - Meeting the Pevensies]

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«I could never understand why the elderly lady known as Mrs. Macready demanded I acted more like an adult when I was only a child. The thought simply confused me, I mean, if I could act like an adult, wouldn't that mean I was an adult, or wouldn't that be me just pretending to be one? What is so wrong with me being a child, like the age I was of?

I can realize and understand, however, that she didn't like children, and that there were some who were loud and rambunctiously annoying, not to mention smelly and, in some cases, even boring. That's probably why I prefer books and horses, and while yes, they also smelled and could be loud, it was in a different way, and it was in a way I could manage and control, something I lack severely at my age.

However, I wasn't like that, not all the time. I wasn't loud or out of control, granted I didn't really have any other children around me, most of the time, so I'm not sure how I would be even if there were other kids around. I don't consider myself that bad though, I mean, I did sometimes secretly desire to mess with Mrs. Macready whenever she said something cruel to and about me, specifically when it came to my parents, or the lack of. Whenever I follow through with that desire though, she goes off on a screaming tangent and then I realize it just wasn't worth the pain in my eardrums anymore.

I do remember though that Grandfather, Digory Kirke, would always encourage me after her lectures, trying to cheer me up whenever she went too hard, especially in lessons. "You have more people who love you out there than just me, Little Cass, don't forget that. More people waiting on you, than you might think too." That last bit never fails to confuse me, but I always just tuck it away and ignore it, why give myself a headache by focusing on something that couldn't possibly be true? Who on earth, and why on earth, would there be anyone waiting on me? And why does he always insist that I check a dresser in an otherwise empty room? No matter how often I check it, it's always empty, and I always wind up disappointed, as if I was expecting something in the first place.»

"CASSANDRA!" The loud and booming voice of a specific Macready echoes right outside my bedroom door, the sound making me jolt and slam my diary shut. I find myself quickly scrambling to hide the leather bound book and pen underneath my pillow, and I stand swiftly spinning on my heel to face the door as she swings it open, "Yes, Mrs. Macready?"

"You are meant to be getting ready to get those four children from the train, you're going to make us late." The accusation and reminder was all wrapped up into one and I shift from one foot to the other as I bite the inside of my cheek, a halfhearted apology slipping past my lips. "Sorry, ma'am..."

"Hah," She scoffs, her tone lacking any sort of play or amusement, "Sorry, really..." She shakes her head at my behaviour before she snaps her fingers and gestures a hurry up motion, making me jump into getting my shoes onto my feet while giving nervous glances to the woman standing at the door.

After getting my shoes on, I promptly get up once more and she steps to the side, allowing me to go first as if wanting to keep an eye on me to make sure I'm actually following along. I let out a long sigh in my head, as well as an eye roll, trying to resist the urge to stomp my feet down the stairs and out the door to the wagon, which is waiting and ready for us to hop on.

I get on right next to Mrs. Macready, planning on remaining silent and enjoying the scenery the whole way, just listening to the woman beside me doing the occasional, "hurry up, woah, and good girl," on the journey to the train stop. I anxiously twist the twin braids my hair has been tied into once I take notice of the group of four kids standing on the ground next to the train railway, my eyes connecting with a short brunette girl.

I shift my weight slightly, earning a look from the older woman which makes me pause and shift back slowly, anxiety eating me to the core as the wagon stops. "Mrs. Macready?" I hear a questioning, male voice, my eyes landing on the tallest, and probable oldest, as well as only blonde, registering him as the one who spoke. "I'm afraid so. Is that it then? Haven't you brought anything else?" She asks, snappy like the rest of the morning.

I roll my eyes from behind her, silently begging her to try to be kinder to the four misplaced from their homes, only managing a soft and apologetic smile to the four, the two females being the only ones returning the favour. "No, it's just us." The same male replies, my eyes retuning to him and connecting to his, which he gives a sheepish smile to me once that occurs. "Small favors." She mutters, "Get in."

I watch them as they all get into the wagon, the youngest female situated right behind me. I prepare myself to try and turn to the four children, only for Mrs. Macready to swiftly smack my steadying hand which causes me to turn swiftly back forward, a scowl forming on my face. I rub my reddening hand, cursing the woman out in my head for her rude behaviour and unnecessary attitude and go back to focusing on the scenery, the ride remaining silent except for her praises to the horse.

"Whoa!" She tells the horses, pulling on the reins and making them stop. I get off the wagon, as does Mrs. Macready and the children, who grab their luggage one by one as well. As one, of many, stableman comes and brings the wagon and horses back to the stables as we all head inside the mansion right in front of our little group.

Mrs. Macready starts speaking, taking the lead with me right beside her, "The Professor is unaccustomed to having too many children in his house, and as such, there are a few rules we need to follow." She looks at the children equally, giving me a pointed look as she begins the rules, "There will be no shouting or running. No improper use of the dumbwaiter."

I notice one of the girls about to touch a statue and Mrs. Macready snaps, "NO! Touching of the historical artifacts and above all, there will be no disturbing of the professor." I glance at the girl who was about to touch the statue to see her glaring at Mrs. Macready, startled but also annoyed at the woman.

"This young girl right here is Cassandra Kirke, the Professor's Granddaughter. She will show you to her rooms." Mrs. Macready says snappily, muttering as an afterthought, "That's all she's good for anyways." As she stomps off, the breath I had been holding was then released, my hands clasped behind me as I hid the one she smacked earlier underneath my uninjured hand.

"As she said, I am Cassandra Kirke. Granddaughter of the Professor, so ominous the way she says it. You can follow me to your rooms. Oh! And don't be bothered by Mrs. Macready, she doesn't like children, in fact, she acts this way towards me all the time and I've lived here my whole life." I speak up, their attention that was placed on me by the angry woman, previously tense, now relaxing due to the moreso friendly behaviour of someone their own age, or close to.

The four Pevensie children seem to smile a bit, except for the black haired boy who slowly begins to scowl, clearly unhappy at this current arrangement. "Well, I'm Peter. Peter Pevensie, these are all my siblings, Lucy, Susan, and Edmund." The oldest, and only blonde, speaks up and offers a more open smile, reaching out a hand to shake, which I take with a shy smile in return. "It's a pleasure to meet you all, follow me."

The handshake lasted for only a second, but he seemed to want it to linger as I let go and began to lead the way, unaware of the snickering and bickering of the siblings behind me as I guided them to their sleeping areas.


Here is the rewrite of chapter one! Hopefully it is good, and I know it is Edmund love story and that is the endgame, I just wanted to make it a little fun to mess with Edmund a bit to make him have to work for it a bit, or at least make him think he has to work for it, so Peter will have a one-sided crush but it won't be too extreme that will make us feel bad for him. Thank you for reading~}

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