-You Were My Idol-

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  "Tommy, how are you doing?" Ranboo walked cautiously into Tommy's small room. "Oh! Hello there Ranboo! I'm doing just fine. How are you doing today, great I hope!" Ranboo always wonders if Tommy putting up a act every time he visits him, or is he really feeling better? "Oh... I'm fine... thanks for asking Tommy!" Ranboo faked a smile, he wasn't to fond of Tommy these days. He's been trying to be more friendly with the kid though. "Do you want to have your walk around Snow Chester today?" Tommy jumped with joy, "Of course!"



  "What do you think Tommy?" The blond was to busy staring into the distance, because maybe, one day, Dream will come back to save him, to take him away from Snow Chester. He wants to be with Dream all the time, but he also wants to plunge a knife into his heart and watch him suffer. It's what he deserves for leaving Tommy to rot by himself. "Tommy?"



  "Oh sorry Dream! Is this enough sand for the TNT?" Dream walked over to Tommy and took the buckets of sand, "Yep! Looks like enough, good job Tom!" The older man patted him on the head. Anytime Dream was happy, Tommy was happy. He's is idol, he'd do anything for him. 

If Dream told him to gather supplies, he would.

If Dream told him to go into the town and kill someone, he would.

If Dream told him to kill himself, he would.

He'll do anything for the man who saved him, the man who spared his life. But recently, he was hating Dream, but loving him at the same time. Tommy wanted to hug him and stab him the back, literally. He wanted to be praised for doing something that Dream liked, but also if that man ever laid a hand on him, he would slit his throat.

"Hello? Tommyinnit!" Ranboo tapped Tommy's shoulders, 'What! Oh... Don't call my my full name! What do you want Ranboo." Ranboo was fighting the urge to snap back at the other teen after the offer he just told him, but didn't. Ranboo sighed, "I asked if you would like to be able to go out without super vision?" Tommy's eyes widened, he honestly thought he might've had to escape this place if this offer never came up. "Are you serious?!" Ranboo nodded, "I talked to Tubbo and he agreed that you've had good behavior and we trust you."

  Sure that was true, but really Ranboo was sick of having to look after someone that is his age. He never gets to spend time with Tubbo and Michael anymore, all his time goes this psycho. "That's great! Thanks Ranboo!" Tommy ran off to his temporary house, and passing a familial chair. He stopped, it was the chair. "I..."



  "I WANT TO GO WITH HIM!" Tommy whipped around, the restraints cut into his writs and ankles. "Tubbo... we cant keep him here...." Ranboo whispered into his husbands ear. Niki stood on her tiptoes and tapped Ranboo on the shoulder, she pointed to a stand up restraint, it was patted on the back and sides and strapped someone to it by the waist and ankles whilst they stand. It had wheels on it for easy movement. So a few members took Tommy by the arms and put him in a straight jacket. While they strapped him to the resistant, Tommy eyes started to go blurry and the voices became muffled. This went on until a cloth went into his mouth to stop screams, Tommy didn't even notice he was screaming, it was like he left his body and was looking down at it.

 Tears, real tears. 'Just let me go... I don't wants to be here...'

"I haven't finished what I started yet."

  "I haven't finished what I started yet." That's it, Tommy knew what he needed to do. The hill that he and Dream hid behind, he looked under a pile of dirt. And there it was, a bag filled of TNT and matches. Tommy put it in his backpack, but his enderchest, the only one in Snow Chester was in Tubbo and Ranboo's house, and Tommy's not allowed to use enderchests. But that won't stop him.




 Tommy lightly knocked on the spruce door, no answer, so he went inside. "Hello!? Tubbo?" Again, no answer. Tommy walked over to the chest, everything he need was in here, except for armor, Tubbo took that when Tommy got caught. All of his extra weapons, in perfect condition.




  Tommy lit a match and threw it. And just like that Snow Chester was gone, and most of the people in it. But Tommy walked away with the sound of the snow crunching beneath him. He was headed to a familiar persons base.




 There it was, Tommy could see it in the distance. Tommy wasn't scared anymore he just wanted to get this over with before he ever regrets coming here.

 The wooden door creaked open and Tommy saw him, "I thought you were homeless bitch." Dream turned around quickly from his brewing stand, "Tommy, oh my! I though you died!" Dream stared his little laugh. Tommy pulled out his axe and tightened his grip, "Dream shut up, you deserve what coming to you today." Dream giggled, "What did you bring your posse? I'm not scared of you Tommy." 

 "W-well you should be!" Tommy stumbled over his words, "Well, well." Dream did a mocking voice. "Just listen to me! Dream, at first the only reason I kept you alive was because you have the revive book. But I now realize, I don't want anyone who's dead back. So now there's no use for you. You left me in Snow Chester to rot, while everyone thought I was crazy. I killed people for you, I stole things for you. I went against my morals for you. I idolized you, Dream."

  "Look Tommy-" Dream walked closer to the now trembling boy, "I would've kept you around, okay? But you just to crazy, even for me. You were obsessed with me." Tommy held his axe up. "Oh ya!? Well I would've kept you around t-" Dream's eyes widened, he touched his face and looked down at his finger tips, the blood of Tommyinnit was on them.

  Tommy's forehead, which was once clean and perfectly normal, now had an arrow though it. Tommy dropped his axe and collapsed onto the floor. And who shot the arrow from behind, "That's what you get for killing my family." Ranboo lowered his crossbow, walked away and wiped his tears. Dream keeled down near the boy, and the message rang out to everyone.

-Tommyinnit was shot by Ranboo-

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