You betrayed me.

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The next day after the prom..

*Josie wakes up*

Josie: *yawns*

Hope: good morning

Josie: oh uh your awake?

Hope: yeah I woke up 2 hours ago

Josie: that's strange you haven't said anything *josie says while putting on her clothes*

Hope: you looked peaceful I didn't wanna wake you up

Josie: well one of us should say something about what happened

Hope: your right, but for my first time you were gentle and sweet so there is really nothing to say it actually felt amazing then what I'd imagine

Josie: really?

Hope: yup

Josie: well we have class in 50 minutes so we should get ready.

Hope: yeah ur right can you hand me my tank top?

Josie: yeah of course *josie grabs hope's tank top and gives it to her*

Hope: thank you.

Josie: your welcome I'm gonna get out so you can use the bathroom.

Hope: thanks but wait *hope kisses josie*

Josie: *kisses hope back*

Hope: *smiles see you for breakfast*

Josie: see you! (:

Josie: *sneaks out of hopes dorm room and goes to her's*

*Josie see's lizzie*

Lizzie: where have you been?

Josie: none of your business and I shouldn't even be talking to you

Lizzie: can you just not be mad at me for one second!

Josie: oh please, you made me believe you were helping me and I wasn't mad at you then.

Lizzie: why do you always have to act bratty all the time!

Josie: I never acted bratty I'm the one who always pick up your own pieces maybe you should start worrying about yourself instead of prying through mine! *josie screams and shuts the door and leaves*

Lizzie: *groans*

Later on that day

Josie: hey dad

Alaric saltzman: hey honey, how is your sister

Josie: being the most annoying person on the planet right now

Alaric saltzman: hey hey, don't talk about your sister like that what she did was a foolish act but you can't be mad at her forever like that

Josie: your right, I'm sorry dad

Alaric saltzman: now breath

Josie: *breaths*

*someone knocking on the door*

Josie: *sighs come in*

Lizzie: hey dad can we have are sessions?

Alaric saltzman: I'm currently doing your sister right now maybe later hon

Lizzie: but dad you always do it with Josie and hope. And I'm never the one too do anything!

Alaric: Lizzie I helped you a lot of times your sister needs comfort

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