chapter 3 - knock up stream

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3rd Person POV

after searching for South bird, the strawhat saw that cricket house and merry are destroyed by Bellamy, the strawhat captain Monkey D Luffy decided to take cricket's gold back from Bellamy the hyena.

"should I take you there luffy?" hawks said

"no need, just me is enough, you guys should prepare to sail" luffy said, decided to go alone and start running around the island.

*meanwhile at Bellamy base

"Bellamy, we should run away, the guy that you beat up last time, they both have higher bounty than you" the guy said

alas Bellamy didn't believe him, then luffy come crashing at his place looking for cricket's gold.

Bellamy and luffy ended up fighting and eventho Bellamy has spring ability, he is no match for luffy and down in one punch.

after luffy found the gold, he decided to go back, and when one of Bellamy's crew ask him to fight him and where is he going, luffy only said this..

"where will I go? the sky!"

it was truly a dumbfounding moment

*meanwhile at going merry go*

the sheep ship has become a chicken ship, the strawhats have finished with sailing preparation and hawks really excited for his first adventure, and eventho they already finished, luffy hasn't comeback yet.

"its almost time... should I retrieve him?" hawks said to nami

fortunately at that time luffy already running towards them.

"hey guys I'm back I'm sorry it take a long time to get this cool Hercules" Luffy said, waving his beetle

"what?!!! you wasted our time for a beetle?!" yelled nami

and then luffy decided to give his beetle to the monkeys gang

'he is truly an interesting guy' hawks thought

and then the strawhats set sail towards the South of the island, while luffy, usopp and chopper playing with South bird, hawks realize that the weather started to change.

then there's a big whirlpool that suck the going merry. then, its suddenly calm, at that time another ship is coming towards them, it was the cherry pie guy, and he said that he wanted to catch luffy.

hawks is shocked to know that luffy has 100 million bounty and zoro 60 million, because after going around in mocktown he realized that the currency value is almost the same as in japan.

'100M huh, what has you done luffy' hawks thought

but its seems like luffy and zoro are happy that they got bounty and sanji is jealous.

when the cherry pie or Blackbeard about to sail towards merry, suddenly there's an explosion that make water fly towards the sky, the knock up stream.

then the navigator nami giving orders to the crew and the strawhats ship merry flew towards the sky.

*after that*
hawks POV

where is this place, everything is so White... don't tell me we're sailing on cloud? how is this possible?
and it seems like its not just me that baffled in this situation, really amazing, then the sky island is probably real too, truly a miracle.

"I the great usopp will swim in the cloud" usopp start to brag

I really don't think that's a good idea, but it seems interesting, I wonder what would happen to him.

in the end usopp ended up traumatized because he fell from the cloud, ha ha... what a funny guy. but he bring back a weird fish that sanji cook into a delicious dish, sanji is truly an amazing person

but when we feel weak because the air pressure, we're about to get atacked but saved by a old man named gan fall and his ugly Pegasus pierre. gan fall then giving us a whistle blower that can summon him one time for free.

after my breathing become normal, I decided to fly and look around while luffy and usopp decided that bouncing on cloud is fun, but really... how can they bounce on cloud, isn't cloud basically a water vapour? I really don't understand this world logic.

while I look around, I saw a big gate and told the other about it, so we decided to sail there.

when we got there there's an old lady with wings asking for a toll but we got no money, still, the old lady let us pass, and a giant srimp bring our ship towards our destination.

'is that sky island'

to be continued...

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