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moon _yujin

moon _yujin: Hello this Moon Yujin

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moon _yujin: Hello this Moon Yujin. By now you have heard the news that I have left Rose Gold and MooИlight Entertainment. I'm coming on here to tell you all why and my plans outside of MooИlight Entertainment.

Rose Gold came together back in 2018.  At first it was the five of us  Mina, Miyako, Na Mi Hi. Rain was added into the lineup in 2020 making us a six-member group. When we came together as 6 we made the promise to always be close with each other. Although one member did not keep her promise she bullied all of us and make all the shots even Mina was the leader of the group.

Even though she was the Maknae she controlled everyone. She would tell us how she hated to begin in Rose Gold and how she wished she was a soloist. If she made a mistake in the choreography she would blame the other members for her mistake.

For some reason, she bullied me the most out of all the members. She would yell at me, take my phone away and tell me that I should leave Rose Gold.

I began collecting evidence of her harassment to protect myself. But when she began checking my phone, I  had to use other secretive measures to ensure my safety.

She checked my phone. So to avoid her [deleting my evidence], I used burner phones or hid my phones to collect evidence.

If I or any of the other members got more lines then she would get jealous that we had more parts than her in a song and had even cursed out the songwriter that assigned the lines. She lied to the company about her grandfather being ill and went on a holiday with her boyfriend instead.  I  was sick and sent to the ER and when I came back she asked me if I was lying about begin sick just not do what was excepted of me this made me feel so upset that she taught I was faking begin sick.
This all she did to me. She did other things to the other members. I will be talking some time away from the spotlight to be with my family. I will comeback soon and update you all soon.
I want her to sincerely apologize to me and the members. I really want her  apology.

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