Katherine only shook her head. As she opened the fridge she couldn't help but to close her nose with two fingers and to make a grossed out looking face.


Fo! The milk has gone bad, hold up just a second
Why is everything in this fridge warm and tepid?


I better step it up and fight the heat
'Cause I'm not makin' any profit if the coffee isn't light and sweet!

Usnavi then poured the bad milk out. In that moment, walked someone inside the bodega.

"Ooo-oo!" "Abuela, my fridge broke. I got café but no "con leche.", explained Usnavi to their Abuela Claudia. "Ay Dios, try my mother's old recipe: one can of condensed milk.", suggested Claudia. "Nice.​ Oh wait, your lottery ticket.", said Katherine smiling and handed out the freshly printed ticket to the older woman. "Paciencia y fe!", said Claudia and kissed the ticket and waved it making Usnavi and Kat to smile.


That was Abuela, she's not really our "abuela,"
But she practically raised us, this corner is her escuela

Now, you're probably thinkin: "I'm up shit's creek!"

Katherine and Usnavi then went outside and got stopped by a woman.


I've never been north of Ninety-Sixth Street!

Katherine took a look before explaining it.


Well, you must take the A Train
Even farther than Harlem, to northern Manhattan, and maintain
Get off at 181st, and take the escalator


I hope you're writing this down, I'm gonna test ya later


We're getting tested; times are tough on this bodega


Two months ago somebody bought Ortega's
Our neighbors started packin' up and pickin' up and ever since the rents went up
It's gotten mad expensive, but we live with just enough

Both got the covers away from the fruits and vegetables and took a look at their neighborhood that was beginning to wake up.


In the heights
I flip the lights and start my day
There are fights

Endless debts

And bills to pay

In the Heights
I can't survive without café


I serve café


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