chpater 3

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        -wilburs pov-

I basically dragged the kid to my room. He stumbled behind me for the most part.

"Wilby! Slow downnnn."

Tommy yelled out, I did as he said and slowed down a bit as we went up the stairs.

We got to my room and I ran in. Dragging tommy with me.

I pulled him into my room and shut the door.

"So big man... do you like any discs?"

I ask him sitting on the ground next to my disc drawer.

Tommy shakes his head and I sigh.

"I have so much to teach you big guy."

He nods and walks over to me smiling. I look through all my discs looking at all the names.

"How about.... mellohi?

Tommy nods his head quickly.


I stand up and walk to the jukebox.

I push the disc in and press play.

Tommy stand and looks at the jukebox.

The music starts to play and he smiles and walks up to me.

"Like it big man?"

He smiles and nods. I pat his head.

He starts to sway side to side as the music play.

"Wanna hear technos favorite disc??"

I ask Tommy as I go back to where the discs are.


I smile and grab it.

The red disc. I walk to the jukebox and take out mellohi and put in pigstep. I press play.

The song starts and I bob my head to the music.

I hear my door open and see techno blade standing there.

"Showing toms my favorite song huh?"

I laugh and nod.

"Do it you like it?"

Techno asks Tommy.

Tommy nods and walks up to him.

-technos pov-

"Why do you like it?"

"Its from the nether."

He tilts his head at me.

"Whats special about the nether? Dad always said it was terrible place."

Tommy says. I sigh and run a hand
through my hair.

"Im from the nether."

Tommy nods and puts his arms up.

"Up please."

I laugh and pick him up.

"Of course, my little theseus."

Tommy looks at me.

"Who is theseus?"

I look at him and laugh.

"Oh just someone. I will tell you the story soon."

He nods.

"Hey blade."

Wilbur says and he leans up against the jukebox.

"What about that trip that starts next week?"

I pause.

"Oh... I forgot about that."

I sigh.

"I, I dont know yet wilbur... hey toms can you go hang in my room for a moment?"

Tommy nods and I put him down. He runs out of the room.

"I will probably take him with us..."

Wilbur sighs.

"And what about your-"


I cut him off angrily

Wilbur pinches the bridge of his nose.

"What if they get out of hand and you hurt him!?"

I look at the floor.

"I won't. The Voices seem to like him so far..."

I look at wilbur.

"And if anything happens... Phil or you can take care of him while I go and calm down."

Wilbur laughs.

"Going on a killing spree isn't calming down."

I laugh and look at him. My arms cross.

"To me it is."

Wilbur shake his head laughing.

"God if anyone hurts toms... I feel bad for what they have to deal with. Bet Tommy won't have any bullies."

I laugh with him.

"Kinda like how we never got bullied."

"Phil and you scared them off!"

Wilbur replies to me.

"But if anyone hurts tommy..."

Wilbur looks at me and smiles.

"Blood for the blood god."

We say at the same time.


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