chapter 4

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I smile at wilbur.

"So you like him too?"

I ask leaning against the wall.

"Tommy? Of course, he is sweet, he seems scared but he is warming up. He reminds me a lot of you."

Wilbur says as he cleans up his discs.

"How so?"

I ask wilbur straightening my back, my arms crossed.

"He is very quiet, very calm but if you actually talk to him or try to have fun with him, he will get excited, or happy. You were like that when phil first found us, you were quiet, but when he started to talk to you and have fun with you, you would get so excited, but you never really showed it, other than a smile. So guess you aren't that alike."

I nod and look up.

"I have a feeling tommy is gonna be wild, he is gonna do good stuff tho. Lots of good stuff, the boy is so sweet he has too."

Wilbur gives me a sly smile.

"Wilbur no."

I say trying to not get mad, Wilbur has always had crazy ideas. Hated how there was no president or ruler near the dream smp, where dream and his friends live.

He has made a plan to start a country there.

"Why not!?"

I laugh.

"Your not gonna make my son a soldier."

He laughs and looks out the window, snow was falling, it was summer in the dream smp, and it's summer over here but it snows all year around here. It's probably only raining in the dream smp.

"Okay okay I promise, i won't make toms a soldier."

I smile.

"Swear to Kristen?"

I asks opening the door and starting to leave.

"I swear to Kristen."

I nod and leave shutting the door.

I let out a long sigh. God wilbur can be insane sometimes. I laugh a bit. That's are family for you. Wilbur is a war insane kid, philza is the oldest man alive (he won't tell us his age,) I'm a piglin with voices in my head and I'm a blood god, and then there's tommy... can't wait for him to grow up.


I yell out walking to the door.


He yells back walking out of the room. He had my crown on. The one I keep on my shelf. I gasp.

"How did you get that??"

I ask walking over to him and taking it off his head.

"I wanted to be a king and I found that! So I grabbed it!"

I sigh and laugh at the same time, God this kid is something.

"Well this crown is very important so let's not touch it. I think I have one that would fit you."

I tell the blonde little boy as I walk into are room.


He says as he starts to bounce a little.

"So big man, how would you feel about going on a horse ride right now?"

I ask him while pulling the smallest crown I have off my shelf.

I put it on his head.

"There you go theseus!"

The young boy smiles at me as he puts on his boots, well my old boots. They were worn and torn up, but they will do.

"Now let's go into town to get you some stuff."

He nods and follows me down the stairs and to the horse stables.


He smiles and nods.

The Blades Little Theseus (Dadnoblade AU)Where stories live. Discover now