«Well, I wasn't there, so the case is closed, now sleep a bit» Chan turned the page, but then remembered a detail «How did your casting go?»

«It wasn't really a casting, but it went good, they hired us» Felix smiled, really happy by the fact that the other had recalled it «The show will be this summer, but we've been hired for just one episode, or better, one stage. I don't really know when the episode will air, but we have the recordings on July 1»

«That's good, you have a quite long time to prepare»

«Yeah, but it will be hard, firstly because we never did something like this and secondly because the official recordings are one take, meaning that it'll be a "make it or break it" thing... and we hope for the first»

«Y'all will be good, don't stress too much»

The blond just nodded and silence surrounded the room again, however this time didn't last long.

«Chan?» now it was Felix calling softly the other.

«Mmmh?» Chan replied in the same way, still reading.

«Am I too clingy to you?»

The man frowned, looking away from the page «Why so?»

«My closest friends, the one I'm the most comfortable with, always say that I'm a cuddlebug, so I figured that maybe I'm being too clingy and creating a cozy and romantic atmosphere when we're just... yeah, hook-ups?»

«Well, I'm not really the type to cuddle with strangers, but I am a softie myself, if I want... and Minho knows it very well» Chan giggled «Anyways, what I'm tryna say is that I don't mind you being clingy, or I wouldn't be hugging you right now, would I?»

«Alright then» Felix chuckled, rubbing his face into the man's chest.

He loved cuddling with people so much that he was actually relieved hearing Chan saying that. For him, a hug was the best thing in the world, better than kissing, but only with the people he was comfortable with... of course he wasn't going around hugging strangers!

«For the hook-ups thing...» Chan resumed, cutting off his thoughts.

«Yeah?» Felix encouraged him.

«I mean, I know there's no need to put a label on it, but it's clear that we're not just some strangers fucking occasionally...»

«Your point? Come on Chan, spit it out, you're not the shy type»

«Occasionally» the man confessed «But anyways, what I was trying to say is that it's clear that we're not going to be satisfied with just these three fucks, nor with four or five»

«Stop going around it already»

«I mean, shall we be lovers from now on?»

Felix lifted his head, checking Chan out from below «More like fuckbuddies... but yeah, I guess, if ya wanna be romantic now, given the atmosphere, we can be lovers in the night, sounds more romantic»

«And strangers in the light...» Chan went on.

The blond got the hint almost immediately «No way, you know that song too!»

But the man was already kind of singing calmly, replying to Felix's soft smile:

«We don't need to put a label on it do we now?
Oh, would you cling to me all night long?
All night long, all night long
Repeat the ballads on and on
Yeah, yeah
Oh, would you cling to me all night long
All night long, all night long
Morning will hurt but it's so far gone
Yeah yeah
We could be lovers in the night
We could be strangers in the light
Is it going too fast for you?
Going too fast for you
Lovers in the night
We could be strangers in the light
If it's going too fast for you»

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