BFB 2:Lick Your Self To Freedom

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Grassy: Blocky?

Blocky: HUH? Oh, it's you.

GR: I wish my spot on the team was more

Basketball: Respected?

GR: Grassy needs respect!

BL: Okay Grassy, I'll talk to Golf Ball about-hang on, where IS Golf Ball?

8-Ball: Don't you remember? You killed them last episode.

BL: Yeah but don't they get, y'know, recovered?

Robot Flower: The recovery centers were DESTROYED.

BL: Oh. So how do we get them back?

[Blocky and 8-Ball walk toward Four]

BL: Four! We need-

[Four hits Blocky]

Four: Let's do Cake at Stake!

[New and Improved Cake at Stake theme plays]

Clock: But first we have to get Book & Foldy & Gaty & Golf Ball & Ice Cube & Lollipop & Taco & Teardrop & Tennis Ball back...right, Four?

[Four screeches at Clock]

4: Get into your TEAMS, people!

[iance members are pushed up by white podiums, followed by screaming]

4: iance, you lost last time. So you do the Cake at Stake. We recieved 9,983 votes. The-

Donut: WAAAAAAAIIIIIIT!!!!!!! Voters, if your comments looked like any of THESE, we did not count your vote. Be more careful!

x: You're on the other team!

DT: No! [Donut gets launched into the air, screaming, past all of the Recommended Characters]

4: The person who receives the most votes will be eliminated from BFB. [7 slices of cake fall onto a tray that appeared out of nowhere] I have seven [The number 7 appears onscreen] slices of cake.

[Loser nudges Cake when Four announces that he has cake, and cake gasps in return]

4: If I give you cake, you get to stay. But if not, no more game for you!

[Four puts the tray on x]

x: Oh.

4: Time to show the votes. [Four takes a crayon out of his crayon box and draws a bar representing Bubble's relative votes] Bubble got 147 votes.

x: Here ya go, Bubble! [x throws the cake to Bubble]

[Bubble catches the cake slice]

Match: Good, like, job, Bubble!

Bubble: YOY!

4: Ruby got 152 votes. [Four throws cake to Ruby]

MT: Like, good job, Ruby!

Ruby: Thanks. [Ruby eats the cake]

CK: Yikes!

4: Lightning and Snowball got 532 and 616 votes respectively! They're safe. [Lightning and Snowball get cake] So now it's down to Fanny, Flower, Match, and Pencil. Flower only received 838 votes.

Flower: Wow! [Flower gets cake] That's the second time I've survived an elimination!

4: Match is safe too, with 1,362 votes.

MT: [Match catches the cake] Look, Pence-Pence, I'm safe!

Pencil: Yeah! Too bad about Fanny, though.

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