Chapter 25: Reactions

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" I do, I really do, but I can't help but resent Potter as well. I mean, we hate each other, and always have, and now he has something to hold over my head for the rest of my life."

" It won't be that long," Harry muttered.

" What?"

" Nothing," he said, " Anyway, at least you are alive. And I know this means you owe James a life debt, but at least you know he cares. He may not like you, but he was willing to risk his own life to save yours anyway. And he has asked for nothing in return. Remember that."

" I just don't like owing him anything."

" Why do you hate James so much, anyway? And Remus. You've never liked them, and I was wondering what started it all."

" We've been enemies for as far back as I can remember. The Potters and Snapes have always opposed each other. For as far back as the family can be traced, the Potters have been Light wizards. The Snapes, on the other hand, have always been Dark."

" But I thought I told you Light and Dark was irrelevant."

" You did, you showed me that it was the intent that was evil, not the magic. But the Potters don't understand that. Every Potter that has ever lived has been a devout Light wizard. They have never strayed, and for a Potter to use Dark magic of any form would be unheard of. In my family, everyone has been Dark. Not necessarily evil, like my father, but all Dark. That's why we were destined never to get on."

" Sev, if you ever met a Dark Potter, would you give them a chance?"

" That would never happen."

" But if it did…"

" If I ever met a Dark Potter, one without the prejudices the rest of the family hold, I would give them the benefit of the doubt."

" Good. That's all I wanted to hear."

" Why do you ask? Is there something I don't know?"

" There are a lot of things you don't know, but most of them you are not ready to learn."

" If you say so."

" I do. Now, you told me why you don't get on with James, but what about the others."

" Well, I'm not allowed to talk to Lily Evans, because my father would never approve of me fraternising with a muggleborn. As for Pettigrew, he's a moron. Not worth my time. Lupin is a friend of Potter's, so we dislike each other by default. And Black is another matter. You see, half of Black's family is Dark, and half is Light. Sirius Black is on the Light side, and wants everyone to know it. He's always claimed to be a Light wizard, and if he was friendly towards me, that would mean he was openly accepting of Dark wizards. He wants to avoid that if at all possible. The thing is, for someone who claims to be good and Light, he certainly pulls some rather dark pranks. I think murder of a classmate could qualify as evil."

" I see your point. He's lost my trust, and I doubt he will ever regain it. It's too late for that. I never thought he could be so malicious."

Their quiet conversation was interrupted by polite coughing behind them. Harry turned and came face to face with the object of their conversation.

" Can I speak to you, Harry?"

" I have nothing to say to you, Sirius."

" Please. I have some things to say."

" Go ahead."

Sirius glanced at the surrounding Slytherins, who were all listening to the exchange in interest.

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