The Gemini Project: The start

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The man frowned with derision at the sunny skies of Chicago,Illinois. "Too cheerful here." he thought to himself. He picked up a still-warm chocolate chip cookie and greedily bit into it.  "Only good thing here are the cookies." he added thoughtfully to his thought. A slow smile like a crescent moon crossed his face, but a loud rap on the glass doors to his office jarred his trance. He whirled around and his grey eyes bore holes into the glass doors as they clicked open. A small boy around five years of age peeped out and shuffled into the room.

"The new twins are ready, the ones with cardinal and monkey DNA."

"Excellent. That's 267." he murmured, nodding his head unconsciously.

"Yes,quite." the boy agreed.

"Be quiet Jayden! You may go now. Alyse is no doubt missing you right now." the man snapped. Jayden saluted quickly and morphed inot a snake then slithered out of the room.

"Soon.Soon it would become a reality" he thought to himself. Another bite finished the cookie, and he wiped the crumbs off his labcoat, while he stared out the wall-length window. The sky darkened as the sun was envaloped in clouds. He smiled. "That's better."

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