Battle of The Fjord

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Bruno hated their current circumstances, he knew they would need to be airdropped to get the jump on the Entente. Long range flight would get them detected so this made perfect sense to the young boy. They would briefly have the element of surprise before the bullets started flying, he appreciated any advantage they could get.

That didn't mean he liked riding on this stupid plane.

His battalion knew this, Tanya's battalion knew this, and Tanya certainly knew this if that infuriating smirk she shot his way was any indication. He wasn't exactly subtle about his displeasure. Bruno told the pilot to pray they don't crash, because if the man happened to survive, the boy would take him as high as he could before dropping him. Pale bastard was flying straighter than an arrow after that.

"Did you really have to threaten him, sir?" Kurst asked with a nervous look, resisting the urge to shrink away when Bruno glared at him for a moment. "Lieutenant, I've nearly died in one of these flying deathtraps once, is it really such a terrible thing to make sure we have a competent pilot?" He asked, tilting his head at his uneasy battalion as they shared the same thought.

'Strange way of asking...'

"My brother is just a little traumatized after flying a plane for the first time, I'm sure it will pass." Tanya's amused voice made the boy take a calming breath before he responded. "I wasn't flying it, I was steering it. I'm sure you wouldn't be all smiles after a damn plane crash." He shot her a small glare as she simply shrugged, making him huff before he turned to address his men. "Remember our objective here, the 203rd will neutralize the forts and guns lining the fjord. We get to greet the hostile response force that will surely come once we kick this hornets' nest. If the 203rd need more firepower, I'll dispatch two companies to assist. You all know how I feel about overkill." He briefly grinned, making Kurst and Viktoriya nervously gulp as the boy continued. "Hope you brought plenty of bullets, doubt the Entente will let us trash this place."

Walter smirked a bit and patted his ammo pouch. "I think my pouch is a bit light sir, think the enemy are willing to share the bullets?" His question made some of the men laugh as the boy shook his head with an amused smile. "How about you ask them when you see them? I'm sure they'd be happy to oblige." A few chuckles rang out as Bruno fastened his helmet, listening to Tanya as she briefed her own battalion.

"This plan relies on surprise, we have thirty minutes to neutralize those defenses. " She began, waving her hand towards Bruno and his men as she continued. "I would say something about retreating if either I or the First Lieutenants go down, but since we have such vigilant watch dogs, I don't think that'll be an issue."

"The hell did I say about calling me a dog!?"

Tanya ignored Bruno's shout of indignation as she smiled. "We should be in good hands, so don't make everyone suffer this cold longer than needed and wipe out those defenses! The element of surprise will only work for a short while so expect resistance! I expect you to crush whatever the Entente can throw us!" She shouted with narrowed eyes, making her battalion click their heels as they responded with a resounding. "Yes ma'am!"

The intercom blared to life above them. "You're clear to jump! Give em hell!" The pilot called out, making the two children grin as they approached the separate doors. Bruno threw the door open and shouted loudly over the roaring winds.

"Time to earn our pay ladies and gentlemen! Jump!"


Anson Sioux considered himself to be a good man, he fought valiantly for his country along with his brothers in arms. He mourned the deaths of both the young and the old in this terrible conflict, always praying whenever he learned he and his men were to be deployed. He loved his family dearly and wanted nothing more than to be with them, to be far away from this war. To rest in the warmth of his own home and hold his daughter Mary close like he always used to before all of this started.

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