Easy ~200~ Baby Care

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Rasa thought raising a third child would be easy.

How wrong he was.

For starters, he'd so far raised Temari and Kankuro with the help of Karura. He now realized just how much Karura did, what with how he didn't know Karura always did Temari's hair in the morning, or how she bandaged Kankuro's latest bump. Doing Temari's hair was difficult and his idea of managing bumps and scrapes was to slap the bandage on and tell Kankuro shinobi didn't cry.

Yashimaru of course helped, yet—

Looking down at the small, auburn-haired child in the crib, something didn't feel right. Gaara, for starters, was too small. Gaara never cried. Gaara didn't babble either, or any of the things he remembered Temari or Kankuro do when they hit what Karura told him were important developmental points for children.

Gaara didn't speak when they spoke. He didn't like eating some of the foods which Rasa remembered being a staple when Temari and Kankuro were younger. He even asked Yashimaru if he was doing something wrong, giving Gaara the wrong food.

"No. He's just a picky eater."

"Why is he already a picky eater? He's just a baby," Rasa muttered, feeling completely exasperated.

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