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Mina woke up in a slow manner, lazily turning her head to lay on its other side as she dug her face further into the pillow she was laying on.

The calming, familiar scent on the pillow almost allowed Mina to drift off to slumber once more. Although, that was if she hadn't realized she wasn't laying in her own bed. She knew who exactly the certain scent matched with, and it wasn't her own.

She quickly sat up, but then slowed as her mind was still waking up from a deep rest. The sunlight seeping through the slightly opened blinds on the nearby window effectively blinded Mina's sight, so she tiredly lifted up one of her hands to shield her eyes.

Instead of panicking, Mina took this moment to observe around her. She was currently laying on what seemed to be a queen-sized bed that had a light blue duvet. The pillow she had been laying on shared the same color.

It didn't take her long to comprehend that she was also alone in the room.

Suddenly thinking of the worst outcome, Mina quickly lifted the duvet. She breathed a sigh of relief to find herself wearing the same clothes from the day before.

Mina continued observing around her. Turning to her side, she saw her phone sitting on the bedside table. Grabbing it, she read through some of the messages that appeared on her lock screen.

Did you guys leave early?

It was a text from Jihyo sent from earlier that morning. It was sent in the group chat that only consisted of Jihyo, Mina, and Nayeon.

Mina then looked at the text sent after that.

We left together late last night. Was planning on grabbing some stuff then heading back but Mina fell asleep. Just decided to stay at my apartment for the night. We'll get back when she wakes up.

Mina did a double-take after looking at the message. She looked at who sent it and saw the contact name she put for Nayeon.

I'm at Nayeon's apartment? Mina thought. She could only remember the previous night in tiny increments.

She vividly recalled asking Nayeon if she could tag along, but blanked on anything that had to do with entering Nayeon's apartment.

It took a few more seconds, but then Mina also comprehended the fact that she had been sleeping in what she assumed to be Nayeon's bed and was still laying in it.

Had it been any previous night, then Mina would have already sprung out of the bed per her usual tendencies. But, the current atmosphere felt different.

Especially after the moments that went down the previous day, Mina could feel the increasing intimacy putting pressure on the sensitive parts of her heart.

As great as it would be to wake up next to Nayeon, Mina was also slightly thankful the older girl wasn't there to witness Mina's small burst of happiness as she grabbed the pillow she was previously laying on and squealed into it.

Speak of the devil, Mina lowered the pillow from her face and hugged it after hearing the bedroom door open.

In walked a calm Nayeon dressed in a black T-shirt tucked into white boyfriend jeans. She ran a hand through her slightly tousled hair as her gaze landed on an awake Mina.

"Oh, you're awake?" Nayeon asked before giving a small smile. "I was actually about to come and wake you up since it's almost ten."

Mina was already aware of the time from checking her phone, but that wasn't what she was fixated on.

She watched with intent eyes as Nayeon made her way over to the bed and sat at the foot of it, near where Mina's feet were under the covers.

Nayeon looked at Mina with a suffocating amount of care in her eyes that it forced Mina to look away. "Are you feeling alright? You fell asleep in my car last night so you must've been pretty tired." Nayeon informed.

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