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Momo couldn't help the way she felt sometimes. Whether she felt happy, sad, or annoyed. Sometimes there didn't even need to be a significant cause to make her feel a certain way.

Some of the other girls teased and called her out for it, saying that Momo was going through late puberty. Or, the entertaining name of 'Moberty.'

Jihyo was accused of late puberty at times as well, but the girls loved targeting Momo with it in specific.

Although, from what Momo had been dealing with for the past hour or so, she wasn't sure if she could classify it as the effects of late puberty.

"She's so pretty." She heard Nayeon sigh to herself. "Like an angel."

They were both currently at Momo's residence. Nayeon showed up without any notice exclaiming that she was bored and so she decided she wanted to annoy Momo.

Momo was laying face down on her pillow on the bed while Nayeon laid at the foot of the bed on her back, staring at the ceiling.

All Momo could recall coming out of the older girl's mouth for a while was "Mina this, Mina that."

Reckon, Momo knew her close Japanese friend was amazing and all— but this was too much for Momo's impatient ears.

She groaned into the pillow as Nayeon continued rambling to herself about everything perfect there is to know about Mina.

"Her voice is so soft too. And, she's always so shy. It's adorable." Nayeon said almost dreamily.

"Did you come here just to show off how much you're crushing on Mina-yah?" Momo asked, inherently cutting off Nayeon's speech.

"Nope." Nayeon exclaimed. She rolled off the bed onto her feet, skipping out the door while saying, "I'm not showing off anything."

Momo sighed, finally able to obtain a moment of silence in her own apartment. Although, it wasn't long-lasting as the older girl came back into the room, only this time holding a cup of jelly she grabbed from Momo's kitchen.

Nayeon plopped next to Momo on the bed, eating the snack. "I'm sorry, Momo-ssi. I just can't help it."

The younger of the two finally sat up from the dented spot of the pillow where her face was for the past twenty minutes. "I know, Unnie. I kinda miss when you were moping around and giving us silent treatment instead of constantly talking."

Nayeon internally cringed at the thought of her past self acting the way she did. She knew it wasn't fair when it wasn't even her friends' faults. "I'm sorry for that too, Momo-yah. I wasn't thinking straight."

"It's okay." Momo sighed. "But, please, can you stop rambling so much about Mina-yah? Just get a diary or even go meet up with the girl for heaven's sake."

It had been nearly four months since Nayeon and Mina first met. Since then, they had met each other again at more hangouts, but with the other girls present.

It was quite easy for the two of them to become good friends since the group all got along with each other really well. The added factor of them being able to converse so easily despite not knowing each other for long allowed the two of them to get pretty close within the past months.

All of the other girls could see how close the bunny and penguin were getting.

However, it seemed like everyone except them were aware of the huge crushes they had on each other.

Nayeon hadn't gone on any form of date since meeting Mina, being too infatuated with her to think of dating someone else.

She was very much aware that she did have a crush on Mina. Nayeon wasn't a stranger to romantic feelings and could easily depict her attraction for Mina as something more than a friend.

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