Start from the beginning

Not getting any reply I looked up to see her
Frowning at me. she remained silent as if she was very confused with my question.

I raised an eyebrow asking her if something is wrong.

She quickly shook her head and and lowered her head

"she is fine,actually very hardworking and she always helps others in the work. Everyone seems to be impressed with her service.

I asked confusingly

what does she mean by service? is she trying to say the job service?

"Her job-"

She was saying something but was interrupted by someone bargening into the cable without even knocking

and when I looked at the door I saw just Shikha walking towards me confidently with a file in her hand

she smiled my me and nodded at Suzy's greetings

"good afternoon ma'am" Suzy said.

"Shushant you have a meeting now with Mr.woodland , the head in charge of the editing department. He is waiting for you outside."
She said
And stood beside me and looked down at me as I was still sitting. She leaned on my chair , keeping her arm around the back of the chair and smiled at me.

I nodded and then turned back to Suzy who was busy grinning with dreamy eyes.

I fought the urge to roll my eyes at this unprofessional behaviour of these two. Heck even shradha acts more formal with me now a days even if she is my wife.
But can I blame her ?

"Okay Suzy , you may leave" I said and waved off my hand dismissing her.

Later the middle aged man entered and greeted me whli I just nodded and signed him to sit on the chair, infront of the table.

"so Mr wood-"

sitting straight, as I opened my mouth to speak , I was distracted by shikha as she leaned further on the chair almost sitting on the arm of the chair and leaned forward and took the glass of water kept infront of me.

And when I looked at her and raised an eyebrow with jaws clenced, clearly asking her what the is she doing

She just smiled and shrugging her shoulders she took the sip and when she noticed that I'm still looking at her with the same expression she had the audacity to tilt the glass towards me as islf asking me if I want some.

Heck! This just annoyed me to such an extent that I pushed the chair a little back and she lost her balance but managed to save herself.

"Oh sorry , hope you fine? Oh can you leave for now we need to discuss some important stuff about this new project which I really want to sign the deal of? Thankyou"

I said clearly in sarcastic tone and without waiting for her reply I turned back to the man who was looking to and fro between us.

Still feeling her presence I raised my eyebrows at her and she pouted..... fucking hell......this cringed me

I can't believe it...the girl I was in love with just made me cringed with her pout.

Dismissing all the thoughts I shook my head and realiawd that shikha is already making her way towards the door.

I turned back to the man and we started the meeting.

"So I hope you are prepared for the meeting Mr. Woodland. Tomorrow we have to get this deal it will be very beneficial for our company and for you as well.

The promotion which you were supposed to get last year but didn't get, depends on this deal. I want it anyhow. Work hard and smart but get me this deal, I don't care how hard you tried if you failed. Failure is not acceptable. So don't you dare try to find excuses. Understood?"

He seemed nervous but nodded with a smirk as if he had a plan to get this deal.

Good for him.
If not because of dad I would have fired him last year itself when instead of attending a very important meeting he was found in a store room with one of the office sluts in a very inappropriate way.
That day sad saved him saying that he is good his job, never failed to crack a deal so I let him go in only one condition, that if he is again found involved in any nonsense drama or found guilty in anything in anyway then he will face consequence and I also stopped his promotion.
Because I don't like mess in business.

"You may leave then" I dismissed him and went back reading the file.

"Trust me, I won't let you down. I know how to make that company agree to our terms and you will see the benefits Tomorrow"
He said with the smirk and left

"Hope so ....
I don't like anyone buttering me with sweet talks
So let your work talk for you
Mr woodland"

He bowed and then left.

I sighed
2 more hours then I'll pick sharadha from her floor.
I seriously need to talk to her.

Just then my phone pinged with a msg.

"Don't wait for me. I'll be late today, will take a cab"

Ahh today I planned to talk to her and she is busy. Ignoring me again are you?

No problem I'll do the work till she's done and will go to her only when she will be ready to leave , in that way she won't be able to deny going with me. Thinking that I smirked and sent her an


One hour later my picked my car keys and opened the bottom drawer and then ok out the shinning beauty and ran my fingers on her.
I'm seeing this beauty after so long. I smirked and kept in my inside coat pocket. And tapped it from above the coat. Smile still lingering on my lips.

I locked the office and left to attend a meeting a last minute meeting which even shikha is unaware of because for this meeting I got a personal call from my special friend Laksh

I quickly sent a quick message to shikha

"Don't wait for me. Leave once you are done. Shradha has some work so she might be late and I'm going out to meet a friend and will return very late"

Seeing the two blue ticks I ignited my car and driver off to our usual meeting spot.
It must be an emergency if he called so suddenly.


Ahh my longest chapter 😅
Only 1780 words🤦🏻‍♀️🙈
I'm ashamed.

I just submitted my this week's assignments and thought to publish and you know I started drafting on AUTOCAD and I'm so happy. I am totally loving it. In the beginning I was so confused but now I know few things.

So don't ever stop exploring...

Anyways I'm just blabbering...

now I added some spices in the story and the flavour will be long lasting in the upcoming updates.

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