Too Far

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Too Far

A new 1991 model Camaro red convert۔able sportscar with it's fold۔able top down drive۔d into Harding Middle·school park·landlot and slow۔d to a stop. Sit۔ing in the drive۔or's seat, Jim Reed tiltlean۔d down and kiss۔d his sweetheart Mary Lou Sanders, nestle۔d against his turquoise clothe۔t, muscular shoulder. One of his hands grab۔d a hand۔ful of her yellow hairs, soft and shoulder۔length, another hand caress۔d her soft rear۔side, but, in the public place, in the top۔less car, he dare۔d not reach around to her boobs. She, feel۔ing his strong hands caress۔ing her body as she kiss۔d he, moan۔d with pleasure.

Both wuz sweet sixteen, baby adults.

They gaze۔d at each other's tan۔t faces, into each other's blue eyes.

"I love you."

"I love you."

"Will you marry me?" he ask۔d she.

She laugh۔d with pleasure. "Why do always ask me that? You know I always say yes."

He finger۔d the finger-ring that hang۔d on a silver chain around her neck, symbol of they's "go۔ing steady" – they's public romantic commitment. "And you promise not to divorce me?" he ask۔d earnest۔ly.

"You always add that. I would never divorce you," His parents had divorce۔d only two years previous۔ly, and he had witness۔d they's pain. "Maybe your parents will re۔unite someday. You say۔d yourself they iz friends again." At his wrinkle۔ing brow she feel۔d sympathetic. "Not too late," she add۔d hopeful۔ly.

Jim shake۔d his head sad۔ly no.

"Why not?"

"Mom and dad both tell۔d me. Too many things wuz say۔t."

Mary Lou had earhear۔d that before, but still dint comprehend. "Why dont they mere۔ly patch it up and continue raise۔ing they's kids?" A quarter-moon dint go by without she and Jim argue۔ing about somethin, but they always quick۔ly "make۔d up" (reconcile۔d), which involve۔d lots of "make۔ing out" (passionate kiss۔ing). "You know," she add۔d. "Alike we. Forgive and forget."

"I dont comprehend either," Jim admit۔d honest۔ly. "Too much water under the bridge, Mom say۔d. Dont make sense."

"If you love somebody," Mary Lou come۔d to the defense of love, "it dont matter what iz say۔d in the heat of the moment."

"My parents say۔d horrible things to each other near the end." Jim's forehead wrinkle۔d again. "They still hurl bite۔ing phrases at each other in my dreams."

Mary Lou put۔d her hand on his handsome rectangular face. She had never earhear۔d her parents utter cruel words, although they un۔agree۔d about how much she should study, what they should or should not purchase, about they's nation USA's recent invasion of Arabia. She could not image that they ever would be un۔kind to each other.

"You promise۔d not to tell anyone," Jim remind۔d she. He blame۔d both his parents for they's divorce, and feel۔d ashame۔d of they. They's lack of forgive۔ness somehow blotch۔d his own character. Mary Lou and Matt and a few other friends in who he had confide۔d had promise۔d not to tell anybody.

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